
“Peripheral” economies in optimistic recovery

eurozone2Economic activity in the eurozone has slowed down in June, according to research from Markit.

The slowdown meant activity was at its weakest rate in six months.

Ancient French cave becomes World Heritage site

cavepaintingsA cave in southern France decorated with paintings has been recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

The 1,000 paintings are so rich in depth, perspective and movement that they have been dubbed a ‘prehistoric Sistine Chapel’.

Environmental complaints over Faro Island bridge project

faronewbridgeEnvironmental watchdog Quercus wants the existing bridge to Faro Island to be repaired and refurbished, and the establishement of a smaller parking area than the one planned by Faro council.

To this end, and to the frustration of the local council which wants to spend over €3 million on a shiny new bridge and car parking area to encourage tourists, Quercus has filed a complaint with the European Commission against the Portuguese State because of the council’s decision.

Vilamoura fire put out after 2 hours

helicopterFirefighters battled for two hours to quell the flames in a sugar plantation near Vilamoura.

The fire consumed an area of cane and marshland located at the boundary between the Loulé municipality at Vilamoura, and the Albufeira council's border.

Lagoa explosion kills two expats

gasA violent explosion has killed two men at a villa in Vale d'El Rei near Lagoa. Firefighters, police and local medical services were soon on site with the blame at first attributed to an exploding gas bottle.

The early morning blast destroyed most of the detached property, damaged a nearby house and was followed by a fire.

Emergency services were alerted at 7.45 a.m. by a passing council worker and on their arrival the first fatality immediately was discovered. The second was found later under rubble.  

Artist prosecuted for insulting Portugal's flag

flagupsidedown‘Portugal at the Gallows’ was the name given to the intriguing work by its Algarvean creator, Élsio Menau. Sadly for him the installation piece included Portugal’s national flag.

The artist’s course work was on display for two days on vacant land at the edge of Faro and its alleged insulting nature caused him to be charged with the archaic crime of ‘outrage to the national flag.’

Spanish Royals to drop by

spainkingfilipeKing Felipe VI of Spain and his Queen Letizia are to visit Portugal on July 7th 2014 having first dropped in on the Pope.

The letter of congratulation sent by Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva on the change of Spain's monarch sees to have done the trick as Silva was keen to extend a warm welcome should the new Spanish monarchs wish ever to call in.

Spanish tax rates plummet

spanishfactoryThe Spanish Government has announced bold tax reductions in a reform package designed to ease the burden on its workers and to win votes for the Rajoy government in election year

"It is time to lower taxes for everyone," according to welcome comments from the Spanish finance minister, Cristóbal Montoro, who announced a tax reform that will lower income tax rates in time for the next election.