
Online gambing framework approved by Council of Ministers

bingo2A new legal framework for online gambling in Portugal, which has been under discussion for several years, finally seems to be moving ahead.

On 19 June 2014, the Council of Ministers approved a proposal for a law that will allow the Government to create a legal framework and regulate the operation and playing of online gambling - and tax it.

Pestana Group supports bullfighting

bullPestana Hotels - 'Pousadas de Portugal' is offering healthy discounts to those purchasing tickets for the 2014 bullfight season held in the Campo Pequeno bullring in Lisbon

Here is a link to the poster: http://goo.gl/IQfS5A or see a copy of the ad. at the end of this notice.

Deep Purple recording in the Algarve

deeppurpleBlitz Magazine has revealed that Rock Gods, Deep Purple, are recording the follow-on album to ‘Now What?’ the band’s 19th studio album released in April 2013.

The band, formed in 1968, are recording their 20th, as yet un-named album in the Algarve, according to vocalist Ian Gillan, who revealed that, "the whole band is here. We have a studio in the Algarve where we are working on new songs. At night we drink red wine and enjoy the tranquility..."

IMF: recovery not strong enough

imfThe IMF has said that the eurozone’s recovery is not strong enough.

But Christine Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund, says the organisation’s regular checks on eurozone finances have led her to believe there have been some signs of progress.

Via Verde payment system at Faro Airport

airportdropoffVia Verde Portugal reported today that its dedicated payment system already is operational at Faro airport and is charging and deducting car parking fees at the P1 departures carpark and the P2 arrivals car park.

"The electronic payments solution in car parks, available through the Via Verde system, ensures speed and convenience for the end user," said the company spokesman .

BES chief must resign

besThe price of perpetuating a long running accounting scam is the head of BES chief Riacardo Salgado, on a plate.

Ending close to twenty years at the bank, Ricardo Salgado already has resigned from the BES retail company but reappeared the next day at the head of the holding company, Banco Espírito Santo Investimento.

Pregnancy ban by Portuguese employers

baby2012In Parliament, the Greens have recommend that Government guarantees "with meticulous rigour" that no woman, pregnant or postpartum, is dismissed for being pregnant and the Communists Party wants parental leave paid at 100% of salary for an extended period of 180 days. 

All is  agood cause as Portugal has ‘lost’ nearly one million children in 30 years and needs quickly to increase the birth rate but news today that Portuguese companies are insisting on a ‘no babies for five years’ policy for its female workers, apart from breaking a raft of laws, will not really help successive governments.

Consumption in Portugal lowest in western Europe

containersPortugal has the lowest rate of consumption per capita of any country in western Europe.

Figures released by Eurostat show that the highest rate of consumption in some EU countries was nearly three times that of the lowest.