
The ‘Boa Esperança’ sails to Spain to promote the Algarve

caravela2A three month expedition in the replica of a C16th vessel will take in four ports in a journey of an estimated 170 nautical miles.

The caravel set sail yesterday from Lagos heading to Seville to promote the Algarve to the Spanish in a three month maritime expedition.

Retail sales in Portugal continue to fall

shoppingcentreThe volume of retail trade in the eurozone rose slightly in the eurozone during April of this year.

A rise of 0.4% was recorded.

Pope Francis tackles Vatican Bank

eurozoneThe Pope has sacked all five of his financial watchdog board, the Financial Information Authority (AIF). They had not been due to end their terms of office until 2016.

In their places, he has appointed four experts from Switzerland, Singapore, Italy and the US.

Lidl backing Portugal with €60 million investment

fruitDiscount food retailer Lidl plans further major investoments in Portugal this year, having invested €45 million last year, according to the Marin Dokozic, CEO of the Portuguese subsidiary.

"This year we plan to invest more, maintaining the growth trend, with the aim for around €60 million," said Dokozic whose employee has spend €1 billion in Portugal since it opened its first shop in 1995.


Algarve Tourist Information posts receive ISO accreditation

tourismThe Algarve’s 21 tourist offices all have received ISO 9001:2008, an internationally recognised award earned in their case for the provision of tourist information services, marketing of regional products and the promotion of the Algarve.

The Algarve Tourism Board president, Desiderio Silva, today commented, "It was with great joy that we received the news of the accreditation, which would not have been achieved without the involvement and professionalism of all employees. We now have more responsibilities towards our users and to the certifier, with whom we have committed to a programme of continuous improvement in our services."

Golden Visa bribery and corruption - Algarve estate agents involved

villaPortugal’s Judicial Police are investigating bribery in the Paulo Portas 'Golden Visa' scheme for rich foreigners.

The enquiry is looking closely at those senior officials who have the power to decide on the allocation of these valuable visas, and those estate agents that have been acting illegally.

Depression, alcoholism and suicide in the Alentejo

upsetwomanSuicide is the outcome for many patients in Portugal who are suffering from severe depression.

The president of the Alentejo Psychiatric Association said today that suicide is "the major complication and the most feared risk" of severe depression in Portugal, especially in the Alentejo, where rates in these two cases are "very high."

Portuguese housing market has "stabilised but remains fragile"

villa3House prices in peripheral European countries that are most affected by the sovereign debt crisis are beginning to recover, but at different rates, according to Fitch, which says that the Portuguese housing market has stabilised but remains fragile.

"The Irish property market has left its difficulties and the Portuguese market has stabilised, but remains fragile. The Spanish market is expected to reach its lowest level around the beginning of 2015," reads a briefing note from the ratings agency.