
Portugal - tax cuts in 2015, maybe

piresdelimaIn the clearest application of government gloss, as international funders await Portugal’s re-entry into the grown-up world of self-sufficiency, the Economy Minister has heralded company tax rate cuts for 2015.

“There are great companies in Portugal and I very much believe in the ability of companies," said António Pires de Lima, adding that the Portuguese can be confident in the economic recovery of the country and that the descent of taxes should be one of the objectives of the Government from 2015.

Finanças web portal unable to cope with customers

financaslogoThe Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs said today that the suspension of parts of the Finanças website is to help people file their tax returns online and on time before the April 30th deadline.

The Ministry of Finance has blocked a number of features of the Finanças web portal in order to speed up the rest of the creaking architecture and to ensure that the system remains operational, i.e. does not crash, according to Paulo Nuncio.

Property - the Brits are back

villa3The number of domestic properties sold in Portugal increased in the first quarter of 2014 with foreign buyers representing 14% of the total, according to the chairman of the Association of Professionals and Real Estate Companies of Portugal (APEMIP).

"One factor this quarter was the increase in foreign investment, for example in the Algarve which began to sell more property," Luis Lima said today.

Reprieve for Spanish property

spanishluxuryhomeAfter seven years of desperately falling property prices in Spain, confidence has returned to foreign investors who are finally buying some prime real estate.

Foreign purchases in 2013 exceeded €6bn for the first time since 2004, according to the Bank of Spain.

 UK unemployment benefits tightened

jobcentreBritain's long-term unemployed are now obliged to clock in at a Job Centre every day and undertake training or volunteer work in order to keep their benefits.

The new Help to Work programme has come into effect.

UK homes fetching 97% of asking price

mansionPeople buying houses in the UK are said to be paying nearly 97% of the seller’s asking price.

This is the highest average percentage in almost 12 years, according to property analyst Hometrack in its report for April.

Culatra’s illegal DIY helipad used for dawn rescue

helicopter2The controversial helipad on the island of Culatra was used this morning for the first time.

An emergency flight of a medical helicopter landed at 07.00 to transport a woman with serious heart problems to Faro hospital.

Vilamoura - Cidade Lacustre development - environmentalists fight back

LacustreALMARGEM believes that the government's support of Cidade Lacustre, Vilamoura, has in effect authorised the destruction of farmland, “one of the biggest and best areas of agricultural land in the Algarve" and is lodging a complaint at the European Commission.

The Secretaries of State for Tourism, Forestry and Rural Development are fully aware of the plans to destroy the farmland but were happy that the ‘countervailing measures’ were sufficient recompense for this irreversable destruction.