
Algarve highlights at the Lisbon Tourism Fair

wave3The Algarve is Portugal’s most important tourist region and quite rightly is showing off at the Lisbon Tourism Fair that started on Wednesday and runs until Sunday.

The tourism fair is one of the major such fairs in Europe and thousands of tourism sector companies gather, attracting 65,000 visitors last year.

Portugal's President sacks advisors

cavaco4Portugal's president, Cavaco Silva,  today showed no mercy to two advisors who disagreed with his point of view, he sacked them.

The advisers to the Presidency, Vítor Martins and Sevinate Pinto made the tactical error of signing a manifesto, among 68 others, calling for the restructuring of Portugal’s debt.

New agricultrual tax doesn't work with 'payment in kind'

olivesThe parliamentary group of the Communist Party has questioned the government on the changes imposed by the government on taxation of agricultural activities, including the end of the VAT exemption scheme, which "represent a veritable death sentence" for thousands of producers.

Recently, a delegation from the Communist Party met olive oil producers from Tavira who exposed "a real problem" resulting from the changes in taxation.

Chinese maths comes to England

booksChinese teachers are on their way to England in order to help raise the standard of education in English state schools.

As many as sixty teachers from high-performing schools in Shanghai will use Chinese teaching methods in maths instruction.

Capture of personal data to be restricted

shoppingData protection regulations will be strengthened in Europe in order to ensure people have more effective control of their personal data online.

This is the first major overall by the EU since 1995.

Scottish salmon leap across the pond

scotlandExports of Scottish salmon to the US have reached the £200 million mark after a sharp rise last year.

The figure has been hailed as a “major breakthrough” by the Scottish Salmon Producers’ Organisation. Exports to the US have had a four-fold rise in just five years.

Algarve hotel workers take to the streets in protest

hotel2A small but vociferous group of protestors exercised their legal rights in Faro today calling for an end to a wage freeze in much of the Algarve's hotel sector, a freeze that has gone on for several years, in some cases 12 or more.

About three dozen employees in the hotel and tourism industry said they were afraid of being fired but had to protest against a situation that should not be allowed to continue.

Portugal’s debt 'is not sustainable without decades of austerity'

cavacoPortugal's Head of State, Cavaco Silva, has sent a warning to Portugal’s political elite and the Portuguese people that in order to reduce the current debt ratio, an effort over ‘several years’ will be necessary.

Cavaco Silva has put his thoughts on paper in a dour and gloomy prognosis for Portugal’s economy in an attempt to engineer a consensus of leading political parties so as to please foreign lenders.

"Assuming an annual growth in output of 4% and an interest rate on public debt of 4% this would require an annual primary surplus of around 3% per cent of GDP to deduce the debt ration to a target of 60%. In 2014 it is expected that the primary surplus will be 0.3% of GDP."