
Macau tries to shift image

casinohotelThe casino industry in Macau, having gained the status of the gambling capital of the world, wants to change its image.

The former Portuguese colony on the southern coast of China worked hard since returning to Chinese control in 1999 to position itself as the global leader of casino gambling.

Portugal's top Doctor slams government over NHS

ordemmedicosOne of the inevitable results of the current lack of doctors in Portugal, and particularly the Algarve, is that the mortality rate will increase, according to the president of Portugal’s Medical Association.

Speaking on ‘The State of Health in Portugal' at the 11th Portuguese Conference on Diabetes taking place in Vilamoura, José Manuel da Silva (pictured) drew attention to an English study that points to this conclusion and handed out strong criticism of the health policy of the current Government.

This forthright commentary earned a standing applause from the delegates as the president pointed the finger at the current disinvestment in the National Health Service, and described "the adverse political philosophy to the NHS in the current government."

140,000 Algarve residents without a family doctor

stethascopeAccording to damning figures in a report about the Regional Health Administration of the Algarve there are 139,116 people in the region without a family doctor, 31% of the total population of the Algarve.

The most serious area lacking GP's is Lagos where 72% have no doctor.

Big Brother tracking receipts in ‘Fatura da Sorte’ lottery

financaslogoPortugal’s tax department is encouraging taxpayers to add their Fiscal numbers (NIF) to receipts in the new monthly ‘Fatura da Sorte’ lottery so that it can draw up taxpayer profiles and monitor expenditure against an individual's declared income, confirmed Vasco Guimares of the Associação Sindical dos Profissionais da Inspeção Tributaria e Aduaneira (Professional Association of Tax and Customs Inspectors.)
"What the Tax Authority wants is another tool for monitoring people’s expenditure against their declared income," said Guimares at a seminar titled "The unregistered economy and organized crime" held in Lisbon.

Algarve orange production affected by humidity

orangeThe production of Algarve oranges has declined between 10% and 20% this winter compared to last, and the quality is down due to excessive humidity, according to producers.

"We have had less quantity than in 2013 and at a lower quality," said Lusa Horacio Ferreira, one of the leaders of the Agricultural Cooperative of Citrus Growers Algarve (Cacial).

Portugal's Head of State advises - don't emigrate, go work on a farm

strawberryPortugal's Head of State was sure of photo opportunities down on the farm today as he visited Tavira, conveniently close to his holiday home in Aldeia da Coelha, Albufeira.

Cavaco Silva took the opportunity of a series of farm visits across the Algarve to encourage young unemployed people to go and work on farms for a bit of experience rather than emigrate - and risk getting a job in tune with what they have been studying.

Wi-fi warning

wifiFree wi-fi hotspots can be a danger to personal data.

The warning came from Europol which said that sensitive information should not be sent in public wi-fi hotspots because it could be accessed by hackers.

Algarve Hospitals management rejects life-saving equipment

diverA clear lack of interest from the current administration of the Hospitals of the Algarve Group, despite having an agreement in place to have this life-saving equipment installed, has enabled the Hospital Particular in Alvor to step in and accept a new Hyperbaric Chamber.

Hyperbaric chambers, also called decompression chambers or recompression chambers are sealed chamber in which a high-pressure environment is used primarily to treat decompression sickness in divers, gas embolisms, carbon monoxide poisoning, gas gangrene resulting from infection by anaerobic bacteria, tissue injury arising from radiation therapy for cancer and wounds that are difficult to heal.

The service was destined to be opened at Portimão Hospital but now the equipment is being installed in the Hospital Particular do Algarve.