
Switss divulge details of suspicious BES accounts

submarineBank details that prosecutors suspected of belonging to politicians in the Submarine case have been released by Swiss authorities and turn out to be accounts held by BES Directors.

The Swiss Supreme Court decided to reveal the account holders to Portugal’s Public Prosecutor. The data relating to the three bank accounts was requested in May 2012 by Portugal’s Central Department of Investigation and Penal Action.

Portugal's chance for bio-fuel leadership

oilPortugal currently is missing out on a significant opportunity to convert household waste, as well as industrial, agricultural and forestry wastes, into advanced renewable biofuels, according to a new report.

The report, 'Wasted: Europe’s Untapped Resource' has been published following a project convened by the European Climate Foundation (ECF), a philanthropic organisation promoting climate and energy policies to reduce Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Portugal outstrips eurozone growth

lisbon2Business activity in the eurozone in February grew at its fastest pace since June 2011.

The increase was greater than had been forecast and observers are predicting continued growth for the first quarter of 2014.

Sugar in the spotlight

sugarThe World Health Organisation has recommended that consumption of sugar be cut back by half to help reduce health problems.

The advice comes just a day after the chief medical officer in the UK said that a tax on sugar may need to come into force in order to fight rising obesity rates. Dame Sally Davies said research was likely to find that the ingredient is “addictive”.

High rates of violence against EU women

abuseOne third of women in the EU have been subjected to physical violence or sexual abuse since the age of 15.

Assaults have taken place against 62 million women in Europe, according to the most comprehensive study of its kind.

Portimão leads the country in financial incompetence

portimaocamaraThe state has injected €36 billion into Portugal’s indigent, incompetent and often corrupt local councils under the Programme to Support the Local Economy

The plan was to help local authorities pay off years of outstanding invoices to suppliers but there are still 30 councils on the verge of financial meltdown, in fact 6 of them are technically insolvent, including Portimão.

Golden Visa – none granted for job creation

portas2Investments in real estate and capital transfers are responsible for 100% of the Golden Visas issued so far, a disappointment to the government minister in charge, but good news for Portugal's  real estate sector which has benefitted from an influx of high rollers.

The allocation of Golden Visas under the Residence Permit for Investment Activity in Portugal programme can be made if certain requirements are met - the acquisition of property of a value equal to or greater than €500,000, the transfer of €1 million of more of capital and the creation of at least 10 jobs.

Castro Marim market in €150,000 facelift

castromarimviewCastro Marim council has authorised redevelopment and rehabilitation works to the municipal market in an project that starts now but will only be finished by ‘the end of the year.’

The work includes the complete replacement of the roof of the building, the redevelopment of outdoor retail areas and the fountain.