
Lagos - Forte de Meia Praia finally a listed monument

fortesaoroqueThe Forte de São Roque, or São José, but known locally as the Forte de Meia Praia in Lagos has at last been listed as a monument of public interest.

The new decree was signed by the Secretary of State for Culture, Jorge Barreto Xavier, which distinguishes the Forte de São Roque was published today in the official gazette.

The Forte de São Roque lies strategically in the centre of the beach defining the bay of Lagos and was one of the coastal defences. This 840m2 fort was built between1671-1675 in the face of constant attack from pirates in their swift corsairs keen to plunder and take locals away to be sold as slaves.

Euro could bring down the EU

1centThe single currency has been blamed for increasing inequality in the eurozone which could threaten the fabric of the European Union, according to a report published by the European Commission.

Eurozone membership demands a reduction in national sovereignty which has brought on “increased unemployment and social hardship” in many countries.

Faith in the EU diminishing

europeTrust in the European Union continues to taper off, hitting a record low with fewer than one in three expressing confidence in 2013.

The greatest drop in trust took place in countries in the peripheral south where the worst economic hardship and chronic unemployment have been shouldered.

Eurozone house prices continue to dip

spanishhouseHouse prices across the eurozone dropped by 1.3% in the third quarter of 2013 when compared to that quarter in 2012.

Official statistics from Eurostat show that this came on the heels of a 0.6% rise in the second quarter of last year.

Algarve tobacco gang arrested

cigaretteboxThe four man Algarve tobacco gang has been arrested in Olhão according to a GNR report. Thousands of packets of cigarettes, plasma TVs and other appliances were recovered.

The suspects, aged between 29 and 42, may well be the gang responsible for more than 50 thefts from tobacco shops across the Algarve.

Garett McNamara - Portugal's new surfing ambassador

wave3The Secretary of State for Tourism, Adolfo Mesquita Nunes, said today at the opening of Spain’s major tourism trade exhibition in Madrid that the best way of boosting tourism in Portugal is to increase market share from those countries where Portugal has already a good track record.

"If you look at our major markets, our market share is still very small, which means that we have a huge margin for improvement in the countries in which we do well. I refer to the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Brazil and Germany," said Adolfo Mesquita Nunes whose statement of the patently obvious drew admiring looks.

Thousands of drivers in Portugal set to lose their licenses

breathalizerAlmost 5,000 drivers are on the point of losing their driving licenses, according to the Road Safety Authority, and after a ban will have to re-sit their driving test before they are able legally to drive again.

Drivers on the brink of losing their licenses for serious and very serious road traffic offences now have been notified by the National Road Safety Authority which has contacted 4,700 drivers outlining the gravity of their situations.

Hospital spat - Regional Health Authority backs Pedro Nunes

hospitalThe Board of the Regional Health Administration (ARS) of the Algarve now has met with some of the doctors who signed the letter of complaint sent to the President of the Board of Directors of the Hospitals of the Algarve, headed by Pedro Nunes, and reports that it has "heard from everyone involved."

The Board “wishes to promote further dialogue between the two parties to jointly reach an understanding" according to an emollient statement issued today.