London police investigate shooting of 24-year-old Portuguese man

london murderLondon police have issued a new public appeal for information on regarding the murder of a 24-year-old Portuguese man last weekend. The young man was killed by gunshots shot from a motorcycle.

European Central Bank warns “rich Northern European countries should boost other economies”

draghi economyWith economic predictions worsening, ECB President Mario Draghi has called for prudent policies for countries with high public debt, such as Portugal. Draghi also recommended the opposite to countries at the higher end of the European economic spectrum.

PSD accuses PS of trying to turn state into a “perverse propaganda machine”

psd propagandaThe Algarve PSD party has accused the Socialist Party of "treating the state as its own", claiming that it is being "transformed into a perverse socialist propaganda machine".

One in six Portuguese over-50s don’t have enough money for food

food uncertaintyOne in six Portuguese adults over the age of 50 live in a household with “food uncertainty”, according to a study by researchers from the Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto.

Lagos Council launches campaign to promote dog and cat sterilization

dog sterilizationLagos City Council is promoting a new campaign to promote the sterilization of domestic dogs and cats. “It is a program for dogs and cats whose owners are residents in the municipality of Lagos and who are unable to afford the surgical sterilization procedures, namely beneficiaries of the Social Insertion Income (RSI), Solidarity Supplement for the Elderly ( CSI) and other economic support structures that are duly substantiated”, explains the council.

ARS Algarve warns of scammers asking for breast photographs to “diagnose cancer”

breast scamA person posing as a member of ARS Algarve's breast cancer screening program is contacting women in the region via phone calls, asking them for breast photographs as a means of “diagnosing cancer.”

Parliament tells Salazar museum to shut down, calling it an "affront to democracy"

salazar shutdownParliament has today condemned the creation of a museum dedicated to Salazar in Santa Comba Dão in Viseu, birthplace of the dictator, approving a vote put forward by the Portuguese Communist Party considering it an "affront to democracy".

9 out of 10 Portuguese people consider climate change to be a “very serious problem”

green survey9 out of 10 Portuguese people consider climate change to be a "very serious problem," more than the European Union average, according to a study released on Wednesday, showing that people are becoming more aware of the validity of the consequences associated with climate change.