EU plans to keep post-Brexit air traffic flying

airplaneThe European Commission has presented an "urgent action plan" to mitigate the impact of Brexit in case of non-agreement, or ‘hard Brexit,’ which is looking increasingly probable.

Brussels wants to ensure the continuation of ‘certain’ air services between the UK and European Union countries for a period of one year.

Lagos Council joins 'save Luz Post Office' campaign


Lagos Council has joined the uproar against the closure of the Post Office in Praia da Luz.

The municipality has requested a meeting with the Minister of Infrastructure so that Councillors can request in the strongest terms that the CTT branch stays open.

Portuguese workers awarded €1 million after suffering 'appalling work conditions'

justiceA group of Portuguese workers were housed in a work camp in Tipperary, Ireland, during the construction of the N7 motorway in Ireland.

The terrible conditions they suffered in 2007 and 2008 has been recognised by Ms Justice Carmel Stewart in Ireland's High Court, who said the workers were "treated appallingly by their employers" and that "it beggars belief that their ordeal could have lasted for so long."

Portugal's 2019 fish quotas delight skippers

bacalhauPortugal’s Minister of the Sea has played a blinder in Brussels, obtaining agreement that the commercial fleet can catch 131,000 tonnes of fish in 2019. This "historic maximum" for fish quotas is more than has ever been agreed.

Ana Paula Vitorino said today that, “We have very good news for Portugal, for our fishermen and fishing owners, with a 24% increase in total catches, reaching 131,000 tonnes."

"Nobody could have survived" INEM helicopter crash

HelicoptercraskINEMThe violence with which the INEM helicopter hit a radio mast on Saturday night, left no chance of anyone surviving the impact and subsequent crash.

A harrowing report by the air accident investigators leaves no doubt that, whether the emergency service go the crash site in good time or not – one of the disputes currently engaging the media – there would have nobody left alive to save.

'King of Portugal and the Algarve' being restored

afonsoIIIFaroThe time-worn status of D. Afonso III, standing within Faro’s historic walled city, in front of the Municipal Museum, is being restored by the a specialist conservation team which will take about a month to finish the delicate work.

This statue, one of the best-known in the city, has been in need of attention for some time.

Castro Marim Council buys properties for children's day care

castromarimviewCastro Marim Council is buying six properties at Quinta da Cerca for about €220,000, with plans to turn the two largest into Santa Casa da Misericórdia day care facilities for children.

The proposal, previously rejected twice in Council meetings, was approved this time around on December 17, with the abstention of only one opposition councillor.

Post Office closure dispute: "Reopen Estoi" demands local MP

ctt2Never one to let a band-wagon rumble past without hitching a ride, Algarve Communist Party MP, Paulo Sá, has demanded the reopening of Estoi Post Office, which was included in the last round of closures.

Accusing CTT’s management of being "only interested in making a profit from big business and large postal distribution centres," the communist MP has penned a stiff missive to the minister in charge, highlighting local opinion that this cost-saving decision, "does not serve the interests of the population of Estoi."