Corruption! Police swoop on politicans over dodgy public contract awards

PJBadgeYet another weighty investigation has been launched into corruption in the public sector with police today raiding dozens of homes and offices of politicians, lawyers and businesses suspected in being involved in dodgy dealings in contracts awarded to their mates.

The formal notice is one of corruption, economic participation in business, influence peddling and falsification with cases of public money being shelled out directly to preferred suppliers.

Tourist board launches new site for Algarve's service providers

tourismThe body that promotes the Algarve region’s tourism appeal, the RTA, has launched an updated website to enhance its communication with tourism service providers, or 'institutions,' as it calls them.

The site, in Portuguese only, has become "more dynamic and intuitive," according to its creators, and presents “new content, greater interactivity and a better browsing experience, accessible from any mobile device.”

Motorhome rental website now includes Portugal

motorcaravan1The motorhome website, Yescapa, dedicated to the private rental of motorhomes, has arrived in Portugal.

Dubbed the ‘Motorhome Airbnb’, the website promotes itself as a trusted intermediary in the rental of motorhomes and campervans between private individuals.

Fetid Russian expelled from flight dies in Faro

airplane2A Transavia flight from the Canary Islands to Amsterdam had to make an emergency landing in Faro last month, due to the nauseating bad smell coming from a passenger.

Andrey Suchilin, a Russian musician, was taken to Faro Hospital’s intensive care unit but did not recover from an infection that has been the cause of the odour and died on Monday.

Fatal crash in Beja - aircraft cracked up at 7,000 feet

PilatusPC6The investigation into the June 2016 air crash in the Alentejo, in which the pilot of a Pilatus PC-6 died and two of the seven on board were seriously injured, has concluded that the aircraft has wear and cracking in a critical component, which failed.

The final report from the Aircraft Accident Prevention and Investigation Office (GPIAAF), indicates that a horizontal stabiliser became loose and started to vibration uncontrollably, causing its left side to fracture.

Ellie's acid attacker thought bottle contained urine

justiceThe man accused of throwing acid over Eleanor Chessell last May, has appeared in court in Portimão.

Edmundo Fonseca, 45, heard the prosecutor’s case against him in court on Monday. He is accused of dousing Eleanor Chessel, 29, at the request of Cláudio Gouveia, who already has been sentenced to 12 years for masterminding the attack.

Spanish tourist falls off Carvoeiro clifftop

AlgarSecoA Spanish tourist fell off a cliff near Algar Seco, Carvoeiro on Sunday, June 24, despite a wooden walkway and safety railing running along the clifftop.

The 52-year-old man was treated at the scene by an emergency medical team and was rescued by lifeboat and taken to a waiting ambulance.

Tavira Council continues to use Roundup despite cancer link

glyphosateTavira Council is still buying and spraying glyphosate on verges and public spaces, despite the increasingly widespread rejection of the Monsanto weed-killer by governments, State authorities and farmers.

Tavira’s Left Bloc opposition tried to get the Socialist Council to stop the use of the chemical, sold under the name Roundup' which gets into the water supply and increasingly is linked to some forms of cancer.