Public warned over fake LIDL promotion

lidlLIDL Portugal has warned that special offers on social media, including one for a special €250 card, are fraudulent and nothing to do with its own marketing.

A message that has been circulating on WhatsApp, promises users a €250 LIDL card but the company confirmed this is a phishing scam.

Loulé man arrested on child pornography charges

handcuffAn 18-year-old man has been arrested in Loulé on child pornography charges.

The Judicial Police stated that, "the defendant shared computer files on the internet containing photographs and videos of minors."

Madeira ferry service - project collapses as no bids received

maderira4709The Madeiran regional government’s plan, to establish a regular ferry service between the island and the mainland, lies in tatters with a seasonal service the most likely outcome.

In December 2017, some 13 applications were said to have been received with the government guaranteeing the service "would start in the summer of 2018." What the government did not add was that the service will stop a couple of months later when tourist traffic drops off.

Another Olhão Council employee arrested for corruption

olhaoA third Olhão council employee has been detained on suspicion of passive corruption by receiving money from property owners for incorrectly licensing building project specialities, such as water and sanitation systems.

The Public Prosecutor's Office announced that a 'senior technician in the private works section of Olhão council' has been arrested, and a lawyer and a British citizen, involved in the licensing of a swimming pool, have been registered as official suspects.

Western section EN125 roadworks to be completed by Friday, January 12th (2018)

roundabout2The western section of the EN125 upgrade will be finished this coming Friday, January 12th 2018. Thus spake Rui Sousa, the man in charge of Rotas do Algarve Litoral.

Claiming that everything will be ready, signage in place, sidewalks completed, roundabouts in action and new road surfaces laid, Sousa is convinced that all will be completed in the next three days, come rain or shine, 100% definite.

VRSA municipal market refurb includes new restaurant and leisure area

fish2Vila Real de Santo António’s municipal market is to have a €425,000 make-over which includes turning part of the building into a restaurant and leisure zone.

The four month job includes replacing the old roof, remodeling the sales spaces and the toilets, painting inside and out and the improvement of the drainage.

Jail beckons for Aljezur's mayor as Constitutional Court rejects final appeal

aljezuroilIn a blow that will see anti-oil protest groups crying 'foul,' the ebullient mayor of Aljezur, José Amarelinho, has suffered possibly a fatal blow in his struggle to stay out of prison and hang onto his job.

The outspoken Aljezur mayor has long been a thorn in the side of the government as his spirited defence of his coastline, under threat from a still-active offshore oil drilling licence awarded to the Galp-ENI consortium, has been instrumental in the wider fight to call a halt to the government’s plans to turn parts of the country into oil and gas production zones.

Farmers' Confederation says 2017 drought aid "has not yet come"

droughtriverPortugal’s government yet again has been caught out for issuing worthy sound-bites to solve urgent social problems and then doing precisely nothing, or as little as possible, with aid ‘on the way’ or delayed due to a variety of increasingly implausible excuses.

The money for the victims of this summer’s fires have been left waiting for cash while their homes lie in charred ruins, with livestock dead and farming equipment unusable.