Civil Protection Authority bosses slam 'biased' fire report

FireGoisTop brass at the National Civil Protection Authority have pointed out 'serious errors and omissions' in the report into the Pedrógão Grande fire, claiming it was impossible to predict its ‘extreme development.’  

Civil protection chiefs have rejected criticism of their personnel as detailed in the report drawn up by the independent commission to analyse what happened in the Pedrógão Grande fire and have pointed out, what it calls, 'grave omissions, errors and contradictions.'

Boris in Belém for Brexit talks

borisJohnsonThe British Foreign Minister, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, is to visit Portugal tomorrow to discuss the future relationship between the two countries after the UK leaves the European Union, a withdrawal scheduled for sometime in 2019.

Johnson will meet with Portugal’s Foreign Minister, Augusto Ernesto dos Santos Silva, Economy Minister, Manuel de Herédia Caldeira Cabral and with Portuguese businessmen who are involved in bi-lateral trade with the UK.

MAR shoppping centre opens next to IKEA

ikeaplanA month later than initially planned, the MAR shopping centre has opened next to the IKEA store near Loulé.

This temple to retail includes energy and water saving measures and uses local, low-water plants in outdoor areas.

Algarve - chance of rain is zero

11426The Portuguese weather service (IPMA) has updated its temperature forecasts for the next few days and predicts 35°C in Santarém and Alcácer do Sal for Friday with an Algarve rise to 30ºC on Saturday.

"These weather conditions, coupled with extreme or severe drought and tinder dry forests, significantly increase the risk of forest fires starting and spreading, with a high number of Portugal’s council areas on the ‘high risk’ alert,” states the weather service. (here)

Monte Gordo beach redevelopment - second phase to house 18 tourism concessions

montegordoVila Real de Santo António council is to start the second phase of the redevelopment work at Monte Gordo beach on November 15th.

The municipality wants to press ahead with its plan to renovate one of its main bathing zones with new buildings for its concession holders.

Briton in Salema beach swimming accident has suspected broken neck

salemaBeachRescueA 65-year-old British tourist suffered severe head and neck trauma yesterday as a result of a being rolled over by a huge wave when swimming at Salema beach, Vila do Bispo.
According to the Maritime Authority, the alert was received at 4:55 pm. The victim was treated at the beach. He had been swimming when he was turned over by a wave and hit the sand with devastating force.

Satellite image reveals destruction of Portugal's forests

FireOctThe Forest Fire Laboratory has released an image of the effects of the fires that plagued Portugal this summer.

The fire-damaged areas clearly are visible in the image (below) taken just after the October 15th fires were put out.

Portuguese courts are the most clogged up in Europe

courthouseIt will be no surprise for those who are sitting around waiting for their cases to be heard in court, that Portugal has the highest rate of congestion in civil proceedings in the European Union.

The ratio between the number of cases pending at the beginning of a year and the number of cases concluded in that year show that in 2015, the rate in Portugal was 214%, according to data compiled by Pordata Europe.