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Spain's King sides with Madrid as monarchy threatened

spanishflagSpain's Constitutional Court has order that a session in Catalonia's parliament, which could be used to declare independence, must be suspended.

Catalan lawmakers have summoned Catalonia’s regional president, Carles Puigdemont, to address parliament about the referendum on independence held last Sunday amid police violence that was viewed with dismay across the world.

Vila Real de Santo António's 'Feira da Praia' - going strong since 1765

vrsa2The Feira da Praia (Fair of the Beach) will be held in Vila Real de Santo António, between October 10th and 15th, as is traditional.
The fair takes place along Avenida da República and in Marquês de Pombal Square, and attracts thousands of visitors, mainly from Spain where the 12th of October is a holiday.

Ricardo Salgado’s pension seized by the State

salgado11The Central Criminal Investigation Court has ordered the seizure of most of the remaining €39,000-a-month pension payment made to Ricardo Salgado, the former president of BES and Grupo Espírito Santo.

The preemptive seizure was made as part of the various investigations Salgado faces after everything went so horrible wrong for the 'Master of all he Surveys.'

Temperatures to hit 36°C over the long weekend

11459With many workers planning a long, holiday weekend from Wednesday evening to next Monday morning, the weather in Portugal will offer clear skies and soaring temperatures with Faro steady at around 30°C over the weekend.

Some regions will have temperatures of up to 36°C, including the central Alentejo and Central areas, according to the medium range forecast from the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA).

Murder of Bruna Nunes - Romanian stepfather gets 25-year sentence

prisoninteriorJudges have sentenced Mikhail Razvan Oprea, a 36-year-old Romanian, to the maximum sentence of 25 years in jail for abduction, rape, homicide and desecration of a corpse.

Oprea also was ordered to pay €110,000 in damages to the family of Bruna Nunes, the 17-year-old schoolgirl found was found bludgeoned to death in scrubland at Palazim, Aljezur.

Head of SEF sacked in immigration row

SEFThe director of the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) was fired on Wednesday, October 4th, after a meeting with the Minister of Internal Affairs, Constança Urbano de Sousa.

No reason for the sacking of Luísa Maia Gonçalves has been given but the likelihood is that it was due to the simmering row over changes to the immigration laws which the SEF was known to oppose.

Culture Secretary expects better attendance at 365 Algarve events this year

musicSecretary of State for Culture, Miguel Honrado, said the second year of the '365 Algarve' cultural programme will leave an even greater mark on the region. This is safe bet as last year’s poorly publicised programme came and went with few noticing.

In 2011, Portugal received a ten-year grant from the EU of €175 million for a project 'to attract tourists to Portugal during the winter months so as to mitigate the effects of seasonality.’

Three arrests made in Albufeira murder inquiry

PJBadgeArrests have been made in the murder inquiry launched after a barman, who was savagely beaten and kicked in an Albufeira street on September 3rd, was allowed to die five days afterwards.

Doctors declared Paulo di Santo ‘brain dead’ and gave him less than 1% change of recovery. His life support systems were switched off on September 8th and an assault inquiry turned into a hunt for his murderers.