Sailing school announced for Culatra island youngsters

culatraCoveYoungsters living on the Ria Formosa island of Culatra soon will have a sailing school, courtesy of Faro council.
The Ginásio Clube Naval in Faro, the Culatra island residents’ association and the council are signing an agreement on Wednesday to enable this project to go ahead.

Web Summit 2017 - government "fantastic to work with"

fibreopticThe 2017 Web Summit in Lisbon already has seen 55,000 tickets sold, at up to €1,500 each

The estimate is by Paddy Cosgrave, the founder of this event who said the number of 'start-up' company delegates that have booked was up 30% with new ideas and companies coming from all over the world.

Forest Tsar appointed to deliver new 'integrated fire management' plan

FireDevilTiago Martins Oliveira has been appointed by the Prime Minister to manage the government’s new, improved Integrated System of Rural Fire Management - he starts work on Tuesday after he is formally welcomed, mid-morning.

Oliveira is a 48-year-old from Oporto and gained a doctorate in 2017 in forestry and natural resources from the University of Lisbon. He graduated in Forestry Engineering (1994) and completed a Master's Degree in Natural Resource Management at the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (1998).

Millions of tonnes of wasted water of little concern to Environment Ministry

water2The leaking pipeline between Funcho reservoir and the Alcantarilha water treatment station is to be fixed by Águas do Algarve.

Despite millions of cubic metres of water a year flooding from ruptures in the pipeline, the water company is in no hurry, with an estimated completion date for the urgent work not scheduled until early in 2019.

'Domestic violence OK, it says so in the Bible,' rule Oporto appeal judges

upsetwomanAn extraordinary case that reveals some judges' legal thinking is rooted in Mediaeval interpretations of the Bible has seen a woman who had an affair, subsequently being violently attacked with a nail-spiked club by her husband and her lover, escape jail with suspended sentences and fines - the legal equivalent of a 'slap on the wrist.'

The Oporto court of appeal upheld an earlier judgement that the violence suffered was all the woman’s fault as she was the one who had erred from the righteous path of matrimonial fidelity.

25°C across the Algarve - ten more days of sunshine

6199The Portuguese weather service has announced its forecast of ten days of warmth for the Algarve, lasting until Halloween.

The weather forecast predicts temperatures above 25°C across the region, even nudging 33°C in some locations, with clear skies and a balmy breeze.

Government's raft of firefighting measures gains general approval

fireBombeirosSmallThousands of people in Lisbon protested on Saturday, at the government's poor and uncoordinated response to the summer fires that have killed over 100 people this year.

Banners included messages including, "Enough incompetence," "Enough Fires," "Shame," "Criminals," and "We demand responsibilities and demand protection."

Government launches 'fundamental reforms' based on summer fires

FireGoisThe Council of Minister met on Saturday morning and, after an 11 hour session, announced a series of measures to dig their way out of the mound of trouble that has arisen due to the State’s lamentable performance in the two summer fires that leaves over 100 citizens dead.

The State will become a shareholder of SIRESP SA, the company that supplied the emergency communications network which failed to work during the two summer fires, with deadly results.