Alentejo councils may run out of water by August

droughtSome of Portugal’s municipalities may see in August without sufficient water, due to the drought conditions affecting 80% of the country.

The Alentejo and Beira Interior regions are the areas most affected by the current drought. The Secretary of State for the Environment already has warned that it may be necessary to look for alternative sources of water, while banning the watering of green spaces by local councils.

Body of Macrobiotic Institute of Portugal's director recovered from the sea

macrobilogistDrwoningThe body of the director of the Macrobiotic Institute of Portugal, Francisco Varatojo, was found on Friday afternoon, July 7th, according to a report from the Captain of the Port of Setúbal, Luís Nicholson Lavrador.

The corpse was recovered at a depth of 18 metres by divers from the Maritime Police near the place where he had disappeared near ​​Pedra de Arcanzil, between Cabo Espichel and Porto da Baleeira, on Thursday, said a source at the diving school that owned the vessel that was being used for the dive.

Law tightens up for illegal parking in disabled spaces

disabledAs from Saturday, July 8th, anyone parking in a space reserved for disabled drivers risks getting two points taken of their driving license which, under the new system, starts out with a total of 12.

Parking, or even stopping, in places reserved for people with disabilities is now considered a serious infraction after the rule unanimously was approved in Parliament.

EDP corruption investigators name ninth suspect

edpThe former head of the Energy and Geology Directorate, Miguel Barreto Caldeira Antunes, has been made an official suspect in Operation Cyclone which is looking into corruption at EDP, one of the country's largest companies.

Miguel Barreto was the man responsible for the issuing a highly advantageous, open-ended licence to EDP for the power station in Sines that has a well-deserved reputation for air pollution.


MPs' feeble statement about Albufeira's 'Invade Portugal' disturbances

albufeiraCrowdThe Algarve’s Socialist MPs say they are concerned about the violent disturbances on June 25th in the Oura area of Albufeira, know colloquially as ‘The Strip,’ caused by a large group of tourists from the UK.
According to the council, this particular group consisted of about 1,000 people between the ages of 19 and 22, who were on a low-cost, all-inclusive Invade Portugal package marketed as a booze-filled, hedonistic break.

Government ignored 2014 report listing weaknesses in SIRESP comms system

macedoAn external, highly confidential audit of the SIRESP communication system was commissioned by the previous government under the then Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho. The report recommended urgent improvements to the national emergency service communications system but nothing was done.

The confidential audit of SIRESP was requested in 2014 by the then Minister of Internal Administration, Miguel Macedo (pictured left) and in August that year the highly critical report was issued proposing short and medium-term measures that needed urgently to be implemented.

Portuguese Ophthalmologist wins top Harvard prize for age-related macular degeneration research

eyeInês Lains works at the Massachussetts Eye and Ear Hospital and has been awarded a prize from Harvard University for the best scientific article on age-related macular degeneration, the gradual loss of vision with increasing age for those over 50.

The article refers to a new way of diagnosing the condition by studying how quickly the eye adapts to the dark.

Algarve MP says government deliberately is delaying EN125 road works

roadworksAlgarve MP, Cristóvão Norte, has 'had it up to here' with the government which he says is directly responsible for the appalling traffic situation in the region, yet it refuses to do anything about it.

Norte questions the government’s intention and whether contractors will ever complete the road works on the EN125 between Vila do Bispo and Olhão. The MP says the Government, "has failed completely with the region."