Portugal's postal rate hike set for April 4th

cttvanPortugal’s Post Office service, CTT, is increase the cost of sending letters of up to 100 grammes as from April 4th.  

According to CTT's new price information revealed today, a letter of up to 20 grammes sent by regular mail currently cost 47 cents but will go up to 50 cents as from next Tuesday.

Ikea Loulé plans muted opening

ikea2Management of the Ikea store opening near Loulé on Thursday 30th March, is planning for two million visitors in the first year of activity. This upbeat prediction comes from the director of the shop, Abdelhak Ayadi.

In a pre-launch meeting with journalists, Ayadi said the retail unit is not one of Ikea’s standard stores, as its product range has been adapted to the local market, especially the resident foreign community.

Prime Minister: Novo Banco will be sold 'by the end of the week'

primeministerXmasThe government has met representatives from the main parliamentary parties to discuss the sale of Novo Banco, a process that the prime minister (pictured) and finance minister insist is going very well.

Even after today’s four separate meetings, with four sets of government officials each taking a political party, if the conditions of sale have to be discussed in parliament, a scenario being pushed heavily by the Left Bloc, there is little hope that the government’s current plan will face anything but opposition.

Left wing parties hopeful of a result in 'scrap the Via do Infante tolls' parliamentary debate

a22The Algarve motorway tolls are going to be discussed in parliament on Thursday with the Left Bloc and the Communist Party wanting tolls abolished and the Social Democrats opting for suspension until the EN125 is finished, which amounts to much the same thing.
Ever since the tolls were foisted on a resistant public in 2011, just as the recession really started to hurt, many of the region’s regular drivers have tried to get the tolls reduced or, better still, abolished. Those that can, have been using the EN125 which even the prime minister has agreed is wholly unsuitable as an alternative route - mind you, that was just before he became prime minister..

Portugal's CO2 reduction programme ranked 7th in Europe

smokestackThe European Federation for Transport and Environment, and Carbon Market Watch have placed Portugal in 7th place in the European ranking, recognising its current policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Quercus and Zero, two Portuguese environmental groups, consider this result both "satisfactory" and "insufficient."

The Algarve is full but hotel workers are still struggling

albufeirabeachIt's not just foreign tourists: Portuguese nationals are booking more holidays this year - and are booking them earlier in competition with overseas visitors who are filling the Algarve’s hotels, apartments and villas.

National tourists are booking both overseas trips and domestic travel, the figures are up 6% on last year as recession eases and a holiday is back on the family agenda.

Len Port - Expats in UK and EU equally worried

4801As the formal process of removing Britain from the European Union gets underway this week, two parallel surveys highlighting expatriate concerns show consensus between respondents regardless of their nationality and whether they are living in the UK or in the remainder of the EU.

Overall, 80% of the 1,900 respondents in the surveys conducted by the interactive platform Expat.com agreed that Brexit posed “a threat” for the UK.

Operation Marquês - Henrique Granadeiro's wine estate seized by the State

vinesInquiries into the finances of Ricardo Salgado and the former head of Portugal Telecom, Henrique Granadeiro, have resulted in the seizure of Herdade do Vale do Rico Homem, owned by a company controlled by Granadeiro.

The decision to seize the wine estate was made following the interrogations of Ricardo Salgado and Henrique Granadeiro as part of Operation Marquês when it was confirmed that Espírito Santo Enterprises (the slush fund operating for Grupo Espírito Santo) had acquired part of the company that owned the estate.