Portuguese caught up in London terror attack says: “I was so lucky”

Portuguese caught up in London terror attack says: “I was so lucky”Twenty-six-year-old Francisco Lopes was one of the many nationalities caught up in yesterday’s terrorist attack outside London’s Houses of Parliament.

He was crossing the road to catch the Tube as the ‘lone wolf’ killer started mowing pedestrians down in his 4x4 Hyundai.

Large international investors burnt in BES debacle “threaten Portugal”

Large international investors burnt in BES debacle “threaten Portugal”With the nation focusing on immediate banking woes - like the frightening level of debt emerging from Montepio and CGD’s bid to ‘rise up’ from despond - a much more insidious financial story has started to bubble to the surface.

It began on Wednesday, with stories of “a group of major international investors who lost money with BES advising that now is the time for a deal”.

The tone was interpreted in some quarters as these investors “threatening Portugal”.

President Marcelo disappoints Algarve

President Marcelo disappoints AlgarveIt’s the hottest issue in the Algarve today – overriding anger about motorway tolls, the destruction of fishing communities on Ria Formosa and the threat of feldspar mining in Monchique. But for some inexplicable reason, powermakers in Lisbon are lying about it.

From the Minister of the Sea to the President of the Republic, the last week has seen lies and obfuscation over the small print of gas and oil contracts in force up and down the country reach ‘Emperor’s new clothes’ levels of lunacy.

It is as if Lisbon believes that the more an assertion is repeated, the greater the chance of people believing it.

Lisbon mayor sent booby-trapped letter from UK

Lisbon mayor sent booby-trapped letter from UKPJ police are investigating a boody-trapped letter which arrived at the offices of Lisbon mayor Fernando Medina earlier this week, addressed to him personally.

The letter was opened by a 55-year-old member of staff - understood to have worked at the council for decades - who noticed a “strong odour” before being overcome by a range of symptoms ranging from eye and throat irritation to dizziness and headache.

Vara pulls ‘senior moment’ when grilled over “how many times he discussed CGD with Sócrates”

Vara pulls ‘senior moment’ when grilled over “how many times he discussed CGD with Sócrates”If anyone was expecting fireworks when former CGD director and convicted trafficker-of-influences Armando Vara addressed the parliamentary inquiry into the parlous state of State bank CGD they will have been disappointed.

The seemingly relaxed former PS minister had a ready answer for everything, except for when it came to the question about how many times he had talked to Sócrates about CGD.

Pulling a face and pausing noticeably, the question was repeated - at which point 62-year-old Vara said “as strange as it might seem” he couldn’t remember.

McCann’s “frivolity” complaint rejected. Gonçalo Amaral’s ‘libel win’ confirmed for 3rd time

McCann’s “frivolity” complaint rejected. Gonçalo Amaral’s ‘libel win’ confirmed for 3rd timeThis may be the end of the line for the long-running civil case taken out by the parents of Madeleine McCann to ‘silence’ their bête-noir, former PJ coordinator Gonçalo Amaral.

After all the hullaballoo and recriminations filling UK tabloids, Supreme court judge Dr Jorge Manuel Roque Nogueira has rejected the complaint lodged by Kate and Gerry McCann over what they considered a frivolous decision by fellow judges to uphold Gonçalo Amaral’s right to freedom of expression, sanctioning the intrinsic legality of his damning thesis ‘Maddie: the Truth of the Lie’.

Portugal in uproar over Eurogroup president’s remarks about “alcohol and women”

Portugal in uproar over Eurogroup president’s remarks about “alcohol and women”“In a serious European Union, Mr Dijsselbloem would already have been fired”, prime minister António Costa told reporters last night as remarks by the Eurogroup president given to German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung sparked a storm of indignation, and the occasional burst of satire.

Guarda doctor “responsible for baby death” but case recommended for archival

Guarda doctor “responsible for baby death” but case recommended for archivalThe tragic case of an unborn baby who died in his mother’s womb as she waited to be attended at Guarda hospital last month has reached a conclusion. The doctor in charge did not proceed according to leges artis and is therefore seen as “responsible”.
However, the internal inquiry is recommending archival on the basis that health chiefs have no disciplinary powers over the doctor, who was working ‘part time’.

By natasha.donn@algarveresident.com

Article by kind permission of Portugal Resident