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Flight safety improves with new volcanic ash detectors

volcanoBritain is to install a network of ash detectors around the country to help avoid the closure of airspace in Europe following volcanic ash disruption.

After the Icelandic volcano eruption in 2010 which grounded hundreds of flights, an international effort was mounted to improve forecasting and understanding of the conditions in which aircraft might still fly.

Court witness chaos as Embassy denies video-link facilities

justiceA Portuguese worker in Luxembourg was called to testify as a witness to a traffic accident.

Pedro Miguel Dias Fernandes, originally from Vila Verde, Braga, went to the Portuguese Consulate in Luxembourg to fulfil his duty as a citizen but was told he could not testify as there was “no Skype available" to link him to the court in Braga.

Level crossing in Olhão will be reopened - and then closed again

OLHAOCROSSINGREOPENEDThe railway crossing in Olhão that was closed last October will be reopened within days, albeit temporarily, when workers have replaced the concrete previously drilled out and piled to one side in a cynical and ultimately fruitless attempt to stop pedestrians using it.

"We have three sets of problems and have tried to solve them all. For security reasons, this level crossing will be closed in the future, but for it to be closed we have to ensure that there are alternative ways people can cross," said the president of Infraestrutura de Portugal, António Ramalho.

Dramatic fall in migrant deaths at sea

immigrantsboatSince April fewer than 100 migrants have been killed in their attempt to cross the Mediterranean.

It was then that the EU put in extra naval resources for Operation Triton, a search and rescue initiative along the Italian coast.

Migrant crisis sees Hungary seal border with a wall

immigrant2Hungary has started building a wall along its southern border with Serbia with the intention of keeping illegal migrants out.

The wall, to be 4 meters high, has been explained as temporary and a “sample section” which will run for 150 meters, according to the country’s state television. It is believed that the ultimate intention is to seal the entire 175 km border.

Portugal - "the most agile and dynamic tourist destination in Europe"

nunes'Tourism 2020 - Five Principles for Ambition' is the title of a proposed strategic plan which, if adopted, will be launched by the Government for the 2016-2020 period.

The Secretary of State for Tourism, Adolfo Mesquita Nunes, (pictured) said the ambition is to make Portugal the most agile and dynamic tourist destination within Europe, with the guiding principles of 'People, Freedom, Openness, Knowledge and Collaboration.'

Greece offered conditional third bailout, or a 'temporary Grexit'

euEurope’s eurozone Ministers of Finance are planning to give their blessing to a third bailout for Greece; if this fails, Greece will be expelled from the eurozone, albeit temporarily.

The emergency summit today, Sunday 12th July, resulted in the eurogroup’s willingness to start negotiations on a third loan of up to €86 billion for Greece, provided the Greek government approves by Wednesday, July 15, a budget that raises tax revenues, hikes VAT rates, reduces pensions and puts limits on early retirement schemes.

Fewer births and migration reduce Portuguese population

baby2012The population of the EU countries has risen to 508.2 million people as of 1 January 2015.

This is up from 506.9 million the year before.