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Santa Clara dam - body of Quarteira man recovered

Santa Clara dam

Missing man's body recovered from Santa Clara dam.

The great Swiss handout

Swiss blissSwitzerland may begin to pay a salary of more than 2,500 Swiss francs every month to each adult in the country, irrespective if they are in work or not.

Europe's greatest wealth gap

MadridIn its time of woe, Spain has been deemed the most unequal society of all Europe.

Researchers praise the pomegranate

PomegranatePomegranates, so plentiful in Portugal at this time of year, have been found to help strengthen the body’s arteries, protecting the heart from high cholesterol in the diet.

Crimewatch - photofit of suspect revealed in the McCann case

The face is revealedScotland Yard has confirmed that the timeline and accepted version of events at the time of Madeleine McCann's disappearance have 'shifted significantly.'

Messines - estate agent Carlos Melo dies in car crash

Carlos MeloKnown to many expats and Portuguese local to the Messines and Silves area, estate agent Carlos Melo died  at the scene of a car crash on Friday October 11th.

Strongest storm to ever hit India

 Indian cycloneThousands flee as Cyclone Phailin approaches India’s east coast. Cyclone Phailin is now officially the strongest storm ever measured in the Indian Ocean. It is striking India’s east coast today.

GNR make early arrest after Faro car-jacking

Carjacking in FaroThe GNR today announced the arrest in Quarteira of a man suspected of a car-jacking on Thursday in Faro.