Fly by Night and Day

Fly by Night and DayAn observational poem for those 'by the sea', by ADN reader Richard Thurman.

Who'd a thought it - me quoting Mark Twain

Mark Twain"The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco."

The signs advertising 'free tasting room' increased to 3 per mile as we wound our way through the beautiful rolling landscape of the Sonoma valley past Calistoga along the Russian river and onto Healdsburg.

Welcome to the "Hacienda MackeeDee"...(Its an eating place…. A real meeting place)

Welcome to the "Hacienda MackeeDee"...(Its an eating place…. A real meeting place)The rewards of grand-parenting are many and varied. They bring exposure to different environments, new sets of people, baby bottles, little fingers, bowed legs and of course nappies.

Having completed the early shift and despatched mummy off to work and the younger "pair" to the nursery we took to the streets for a late morning coffee and a re-familiarization tour of the local surroundings.

Portugal - 'the real state of the nation' - a reader writes...

carnation1974It is so sad to read some articles that the media believes will cause impact or damage, but which never explain the crucial impact on our actual society under PSD rule which is pretty much a right wing party which has taken us back to the time of Salazar.

Media censorship is being updated and is again being introduced in today’s journalism and TV news reports.

Thoughts of a man against a wall!

Thoughts of a main against a wall!A short witty poem by Richard Thurman...

World’s cleanest bathrooms are in Portugal

World’s cleanest bathrooms are in’s intrepid explorer braves the bathrooms of various establishments and comes to the conclusion that Portugal has the cleanest toilets in the world. While we question how many countries have been surveyed, we felt you may enjoy reading our explorer’s rather off-the-wall review.

Every morning after breakfast my dad would take the daily newspaper and read it for an hour on the pot in the back bathroom. So I was behaviourally conditioned to follow this tradition. However, I can’t find the resolve to stay more than ten minutes at a time.

Congratulations Lagoa

Carmina BuranaLast Saturday (21 Feb 2015), for the first time in years, the huge Arade Congress Hall was sold out. It was an outstanding performance of the German opera Carmina Burana, by the Airforce Band and the Lisbon Cantat Chamber Choir. Congrats also to AFPOP and Maestro, Armando Mota.

Hooray... in the swim again

Hooray... in the swim againThe first Saturday of the month is always greeted with joy by the female residents of the Western Algarve. They simply abandon their husbands and descend on the gypsy market. Yes, welcome to "cinceuros" Lagos day.

The car parks were pretty full by ten o’clock and the noise echoing from the market's loud hailers could be easily heard from 100 meters away. We locals, dressed in pullovers, scarves and windcheaters to protect against the wind chill, were out in abundance. I also noticed a number of colourful short sleeve / short panted individuals. Well OK visitors, you’re welcome, we need your holiday makers’ money, but please don’t freeze to death.