
'Google - my business tips' - by Clarity

Google My Business tips by ClarityHere are a few things you might not know about Google My Business categories and that are definitely helpful if you want to get more digital exposure for your business using Google’s free set of tools:

1. Google My Business categories are not static. Google constantly adds, removes and changes the names of the categories. So, you'd better be on the lookout for that, in order for your business to always fall under the correct one, which is, of course, the one your clients are searching for.

2. New, recently added categories, can give you some boost in local ratings, until more businesses start to use them. You need to get ahead of them and take advantage of that initial exposure while you can.

3. Categories you see in your Google My Business dashboard might appear with slightly different wording to other people in search results, as category names in the same language vary in different countries. Be aware of who your potential clients are and choose accordingly.

4. The primary category choice is crucial, as the primary category has the most ranking power. Don’t be afraid to make a choice, but choose wisely. And remember no one knows your business and your clients better than you!

For more information, bespoke strategies and efficient digital marketing solutions, just contact the Clarity’s girls through info@yourdigitalclarity.com or visit our website at www.yourdigitalclarity.com.


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