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Portugal and Spain awarded €288 million for cross border cooperation

guadianaThe European Union is to provide €288 million in a move to foster cross-border cooperation between Portugal and Spain.

The European Commission claimed today that the money will be made available through the latest phase of the interregional cooperation programme (Interreg), which, including some national funds, will bring the total available to €382.5 million.

American Pie revelation promised

americanpie"Bye-bye, Miss American Pie/Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry."

"The jester sang for the king and queen/In a coat he borrowed from James Dean" and "while Lennon read a book on Marx/The quartet practiced in the park".

Plastic bags are likely to cost more than the 10 cents Green Tax

4765Consumers likely will be paying more than the 10 cents tax on plastic bags from this coming Sunday when the new Green Tax rules come into force.

As from the 15th of February plastic bags will need to be charged for in order to cover the 10 cent additional cost payable by the retailer. It is unlikely that retailers will be covering the extra 10 cents and the cost of the bag.

'Mistakes of the past' have cost Caixa Géral €1 billion - so far

eurozoneBank boss José de Matos has admitted that past 'over enthusiasm' at the bank has so far cost the bank’s shareholders a cool €1 billion, €348 million of it in the last financial year.

The 2104 figure was 40% down on the year before as write-offs bit deep into the banks trading figures and the president of the bank said that the biggest mistake last year was loans to companies in the Espírito Santo Group, but he did not quantify this mistake.  

Rocky road for Portuguese manufacturing

shipyardIndustrial production in the eurozone was stable in December 2014 when compared to November.

But annual production was slightly lower by 0.2% than it had been in December 2013.

Growing opposition to development at Alvor's 'Quinta da Rocha'

egretPortimão communist party members have spotted that the council is trying its best to sneak through the Quinta da Rocha development on the shores of the Ria de Alvor.

The communists argue that the project in question - two holiday villages, two 5-star hotels, a total of 300 beds on an area of just over 200 hectares - is slap bang in the middle of the Natura 2000 network and is a protected landscape along the shores of the Ria de Alvor, one of the most important ecosystems in the Algarve.

 Spain gives Gibraltar another push

gibraltarIn a further sign of the deepening strain between Spain and Britain, the Cervantes Institute in Gibraltar is to be closed by Madrid.

The Spanish foreign minister told parliament of the decision to shut the language school.

Benetton called on to compensate factory victims

ranaplazaClothing manufacturer Benetton appears to be showing its true colours in the face of ongoing pressure to contribute to the fund for the victims of a factory disaster in which more than 1,100 people died.

The factory complex Rana Plaza in Bangladesh collapsed in April 2013. Benetton along with a number of other brands employed workers there to make their clothes.