
British “stealth” taxes up 50%

4801The amount of money raised by the British government through indirect taxes has gone up by 50% in the last decade.

The amount collected by HMRC in “stealth” taxes went from £93bn in 2003-04 to £138bn in the last tax year (2013-14), research from Bloomsbury Professional, a specialist tax publisher, found.

Portugal scores high for ease of doing business

businesswomanA comprehensive report on doing business in 189 countries has ranked Portugal in 25th position, ahead of France, Spain and Italy.

Leaders in the field were Singapore, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Denmark as the best places to conduct business.

Mediterranean swordfish under threat

swordfishThe Mediterranean’s stock of swordfish is suffering serious threat from illegal overfishing.

The situation is most dire in southern Italy where inadequate control is exercised, leading to fishing boats illegally catching huge quantities of swordfish, according to an internal EU fishery inspectors report.

Citius computer system was sabotaged

citiusTwo computer experts working on the Citius computer system that failed to launch on September 1st had been under investigation by the Judicial Police cybercrime unit for 'acts of sabotage' claimed by the Justice Minister, but now the investigation is into the lesser charge of 'concealing information' - information that they were willing to hand over but instead were asked to clear their desks.

The dramatic 'sabotage' claims were designed to create a legitimate reson for Minister Paula Teixeira da Cruz's failure to launch the Citius computer project on time, in fact it was six weeks late in starting and caused the country's court system to grind to a halt.

Man drowns off Carvoeiro beach

carvoeirobeachA 65-year old man drowned in the sea off Carvoeiro beach this morning, as confirmed by the commander of the Port of Portimão, Santos Pereira.

A warning was given to the authorities at 10.06 by a member of the group of tourists that the man belonged to.

Beja bullfight promoted using Bombeiros vehicle

bullThe Bombeiros in Beja have made a simple yet foolish PR error by allowing its volunteer members to drive around in a staff van with Bombeiros Voluntários Beja decals broadcasting a bullfighting event.

The vehicle belongs to the Humanitarian Association of Volunteer Firefighters of Beja, and was used to advise of a bullfight taking place earlier in October.

Strike - TAP advises passengers to change their flights

tap2TAP urges passengers to reschedule their flights due to the impending strike action by union members.

To minimize the impact of the strike set for Thursday and Saturday this week, TAP management is asking passengers with reservations to change their flights to days when the company will be able to fly its aircraft.

Sweden cuts interest rate to 0%

swedenThe latest cut made by world’s oldest central bank has resulted in its interest rates being slashed to the record low of 0%.

Sweden’s Riksbank hopes the move will increase lending as well as forcing up the cost of goods. Consumer prices in Sweden have dropped in seven out of the last nine months, with inflation running low for nearly three years.