
Portas claims 2015 Budget is ‘moderate’

portas2The deputy prime minister Paulo Portas has spoken on the subject of the proposed 2015 State Budget, claiming it is good for business as corporation tax is to be reduced and that the pro-family package is a winner.

Portas said that the proposed Budget is "fiscally more moderate" than earlier and that families are being supported, “It is a pro-family policy, recognising that the state should create a favorable environment for families who have children, or who want to have them in exercise of their freedom."

Car sales boom despite recession

bmwDespite the prolonged recession, people in Europe remain devoted to purchasing new cars.

Sales in Europe jumped 6.4% in September, driven by purchases in Spain, France, Germany and the UK.

Petrol price relief

petrolpump4744According to data from the Directorate General for Energy and Geology, obtained from 2,677 service stations, the average price of diesel last Thursday was €1.278 per litre, while the average price of petrol was €1.523 per litre.

This is a drop of more than six cents, the highest fall since the liberalisation of the fuel market in January 2004.

Rioforte and BESI to be scrapped and sold

salgadoBESThe Luxembourg Court has rejected the July applications by Espírito Santo International and Rioforte for protection from creditors which would have given the management teams of both companies time to work out a solution to their problem.

The problems are too severe for the court to give any credence to the rescue plans submitted.

Russian monks get mozzarella advice

MonasteryRussiaA Russian monk has been skipping off to Italy to learn the secrets involved in making cheeses.

After Russia banned the import of food from Western countries in response to Western sanctions over the Ukraine crisis, citizens have felt the loss of certain delicacies.

Brazil offers respite to illegal migrants

BRAZILJUNGLEBrazil has been offering a place of refuge for growing numbers of illegal migrants who are seeking a better life or escaping persecution.

 While European countries are desperately trying to cope with the influx of migrants, those who reach the north-west corner of Brazil are being accepted.

Vila Real de Santo António - €50 million plan for sewage and water services

sewagepipeThe Government said today that it was making "every effort" to prevent having to pay the €4.5 million EU fine applied for because of a lack of sewage treatment facilities in Vila Real de Santo António and up north in Matosinhos.

"Regarding the action sent by the European Commission to the European Court of Justice, all efforts are being made to prevent Portugal being convicted and required to pay fines," read a missive from the office of the Secretary of State for the Environment.

August boom surprises even the Tourist Board

albufeirabeachThe tourism figures for this August rose 16.3% in the Algarve as a remarkable 608,000 visitors chose the region for their summer holidays.

The number of overnight stays increased by 12.1%, reaching 3 million with the all important revenue rising by 14.8% compared to last August, with over €160 million collected by the hotel sector, according to official figure just in from the National Institute of Statistics.