
Ukrainians arrested off Sagres with €19 million cocaine shipment

cocaineTwo Ukrainian men, aged 39 and 45, have been arrested on board their British registered yacht off the coast of Sagres with what police describe as a massive haul of cocaine, 599 Kilos of the white powder packed securely on board.

The men have been remanded in custody and according to the police, the drugs were bound for the European market.

UKIP suffers downgrade in European Parliament

FARAGEThe UKIP party was dealt a blow with the collapse of the Eurosceptic group it formed in the European Parliament.

The demise of the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy was brought about by the resignation of the Latvian MEP, Iveta Grigule. The reasons for her departure are not known, but she has applied to become an independent MEP.

Recession puts HMRC out of pocket

hmrcThe Great Recession in the UK will diminish the taxman’s take for years to come.

Low growth in wages, the rise of low-paid self-employment, and a limited recovery in corporate earnings have resulted in tax payments which are below predictions.

Fresh attack on Airbnb

statueoflibertyAirbnb has come under renewed attack in by New York’s Attorney General accused it of masquerading as a useful social service while in reality being a front for people to run the equivalent of “illegal hotels”.

Publishing a major report on the service he said: “A slick advertising campaign doesn’t change the fact that this is illegal activity.”

Budget 2015 designed to win next election for Passos Coelho

passoscoelho2Portugal’s 2015 Budget is set to defy Brussels as it aims for a deficit of 2.7% of GDP rather than the 2.5% agreed with the country’s lenders.

With a general election on the horizon and approaching fast, Pedro Passos Coelho (pictured) can state that he is sticking to a range of harsh austerity measures yet will allow enough money, or the promise of enough money,  to slip into voters’ pay packets to attract votes.

'Seal of Quality' for selected Algarve restaurants

touristsealThe Hoteliers Association for the Algarve (AHISA) today introduced an annual "Seal of Quality for Tourism" (Qualidade Turística) which will be awarded to the top 30 restaurants in the region from next year.

The project dreamed up by the AHISA , the School of Hospitality and regional tourism bodies aims to have the stamp recognised as a synonym for 'excellent regional cuisine, hygiene and food safety and customer service.'

Portuguese government to tax e-cigarettes and chewing tobacco

ecigThe tax rate will be set at 60 cents per millilitre, according to proposals contained in the 2015 State Budget as the government hopes to raise in excess of €105.9 million in tobacco taxes next year.

The list of taxable products in the tobacco category has just grown to include e-cigarettes which have gained wide acceptance as they deliver nicotine but involve zero smoke inhalation yet they are included in the tobacco tax category on the pretext of tax equity with tobacco products.

German slowdown reignites fears over eurozone health

FACTORYmERCGermany was forced to cut its economic forecast after figures revealed that industrial production in the eurozone slumped in August.

In August, production was 1.9% lower than a year ago.