
Justice - Citius compter system at last to go live

citiusOn the day that the Citius computer system is meant to go live after a delay of six weeks, the head of the programme has offered his resignation

Rui Mateus Pereira, head of the Institute for Financial Management and Equipment of Justice (IGFEJ), confirmed today that he had offered to resign and does not expecting a reprieve.

AAA ratings slip away

moodysFewer countries are managing to hang on to their much prized AAA credit status in the wake of the financial meltdown.

Finland was stripped recently of its top AAA rating, after Standard & Poor’s put it down one notch to AA+.

Meco beach drowning case reopened

mecobeachA judge in the Setúbal court has decided to reopen the case of the six students who drowned at Meco beach in December 2013.

Vítor Parente Ribeiro, the lawyer representing the families of those who drowned, said today that the case is to be reopened and the court has responded positively to his request for an opening statement.

BES collapse - Bank of Portugal and Parliament start to investigate

besThe €4 billion hole in the accounts of Banco Espírito Santo Angola is to be investigated by the Bank of Portugal which will focus on the bank's exposure under the management of the former chief executive Ricardo Salgado.

The missing millions at BES and its Angolan subsidiary, BESA, will be the big issue as the regulator looks at Salgado’s actions and activities to see if and where offences have been committed.

Madeleine investigation - British police back in the Algarve

madeleine9Scotland Yard officers returned to Portugal this morning and will be continuing their investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann who disappeared in 2007 when on holiday in Praia da Luz.

The British police officers met members of the Polícia Judiciária in Faro this morning a full three months after their last visit and are keen to continue their interview schedule of key suspects and witnesses.

Expat voting ruled out for coming UK election

harryschindlerVoting rights campaigner Harry Shindler was disappointed to receive a letter from Downing Street saying that the Government “is not minded” at present to allow expats the vote.

The “15 year rule” disenfranchises British expats from voting in UK elections after they have lived abroad for 15 or more years.

Courts' computer system 'working by the end of Wednesday'

justiceThe fairytale department within the Ministry of Justice has released an announcement to an eager press that the Citius computer system will be up and running today or tomorrow.

The transfer of records is almost complete but some problems remain especially in Faro.

Britain grants pensioners £150 more next year

expatBritish pensioners will be a bit better off next year after the Government announced an increase in the basic state pension.

It will go up from £113.10 a week to £115.95 next year, an increase of nearly £150 a year.