
House price jump in Portugal

apartmentsEstonia experienced the largest rises in house prices across the European Union’s 28 member countries. Prices there rose by 14.5% during the April to June period this year.

Ireland followed with the second strongest increases, registering 12.5% growth.

Mass tourism = more house sales

villaAdolfo Mesquita Nunes sees a direct link between the number of tourists visiting Portugal and the growth in property sales to foreigners.

The Secretary of State for Tourism believes that "tourism is one of the most virtuous ways of growing the property market” due to its role in attracting foreign investment.

PM admits, taxpayers may suffer losses in Novo Banco sale

novobancoPortugal's Prime Minister now admits that any Novo Banco loss will have to be borne by the financial system; the Left Bloc’s Catarina Martins argues that this means the taxpayer.

The PMs admitted that losses from any sale of Novo Banco at a price below €4.9 billion will be borne by the financial system through Caixa Geral, the state shareholder.

White truffles in abundance this season

trufflehuntA bumper crop of cherished white truffles this year is sending gourmands into frenzies of delight as prices are falling.

The white truffles are rarer and more costly than black ones (pictured). This season they are changing hands for about €2,000 a kilogram, down from €3,500 last year and an astronomical €5,000 in 2012.

Cheeky monkeys packed off to Scotland

gibraltarThirty of Gibraltar’s most disruptive monkeys are being sent to a safari park in Scotland to liven up things there.

A considerable number of the wild Barbary macaques there have taken to looting apartments and raiding bins.

Portimão opens its BUM in Rua do Comércio

portimaocamaraIn an effort to bring bureaucracy to the masses, Portimão council is to open its first Balcão Único Municipal (BUM) on October 13.

This BUM aims to make available most council services in one place, rather than people having to travel to the various council buildings scattered across the city.

Algarve’s mayors outraged by "chaos in education"

schooladpThe Algarve Intermunicipal Council, comprised of the 16 mayors of the Algarve’s municipalities, have decided publicly to voice their outrage and concern about the situation in the region’s schools.

The mayors are appalled at the way the government has mismanaged the placement of teachers at the beginning of the school year.

China nudges US for world’s largest economy

china2China is expected to surpass America this year and become the world’s largest economy, according to the IMF.

The forecast was based on calculations which consider the cost of living and ‘purchasing power parity’.