Algarve - traffic increases on the Via do Infante

4788The average daily traffic volume on the motorway from Lisbon to the Algarve(A2) and the Algarve’s Via do Infante (A22) increased in the last quarter of 2013 after more than two years of decline.

According to a bulletin issued by the Commission for Coordination and Regional Development - Algarve, all about mobility and transport in the fourth quarter of 2013, the section of the A2 between Almodovar and Messines saw an increase in daily traffic of 5.4% year on year, and traffic on the A22 which stretches between Lagos and Vila Real de Santo António, rose 13.1%.

Algarve - Blue Flag beach record

alvorbeachThe Algarve’s tourism businesses are rejoicing after a record number if the region's beaches have been awarded Blue Flag status.

The Blue Flag Association announced that in 2014, 300 awards were given to Portugal for its beaches, rivers and marinas with the Algarve way ahead for the first time with 82 beaches receiving the accolade, up 13 on last year albeit mainly due to Lagoa and Castro Marim councils joining in the scheme after their stubborn hiatus in recent years left suspicions among tourists that their beaches were not fit for holiday fun.

Portugal - Treasury under fire for retail software crisis

nuncioPortugal’s Tax Authority has mounted a national operation involving the dedicated use of 356 Inland Revenue inspectors and 200 police officers.

Tuesday’s operation concentrated on shops when looking for evidence of the use of ‘fraudulent billing systems.’ The new style tills that are linked to the Tax Authority have had a software embarrassment as it seems that many canny traders have found a way to thwart the supposedly secure computerised reporting system.

Portugal mired in debt

bankofportugal2Amid much political chatter about the economy getting better, tactically being emphasised just as the country needs full international support for its exit from full Troika control, the situation in the high street and at industrial units across Portugal tells a different tale.

The percentage of companies with overdue loans rose in March to 31%, the highest rate since December 2009, according to data released on Wednesday by the Bank of Portugal. This will be a huge disappointment to Pires de Lima, the Minister for the Economy, whose political ascendance is linked to the country’s economic growth.

Spanish economy livens up

spanishfactoryThe sluggish Spanish economy showed signs of growth from January to March this year.

Gross domestic product rose by 0.4%, according to the country's National Statistics Institute.

Poland salutes the EU

drinkIn stark contrast to the UK, the prime minister of Poland encouraged his countrymen to “raise a glass” to celebrate the country’s tenth anniversary of entry into the European Union.

Donald Tusk said membership has been a success, noting that the last decade has been one of great economic progress for the nation.

Portugal - clean funding exit, or not?

parliamentThe Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, Marques Guedes, announced today that the government will announce the terms and method of Portugal’s final exit from the financial assistance programme before the end of this coming weekend.

Guedes said that the Council of Ministers will meet again this week to decide on life post-Troika and said that the decision on the ‘hows and wherefores’ will be communicated to the Portuguese public before the end of the weekend.

Algarve - IKEA environmental report focuses on jobs

ikeaThe Commission for Coordination and Regional Development (CCDR) Algarve has announced the start of the public consultation period for the Environmental Impact Assessment of IKEA's plans to build its Algarve retail centre.

Not content with letting the public make its mind up about the impact of the major retail site, the notice published on RegiaoSul puts a clearly positive spin on the Swedish stores’ inevitable destruction of the local natural environment.