
Time to change passwords

4699Internet users are being encouraged to change all their passwords, particularly ones used for high-security needs such as banking, buying online and email.

A major security flaw has been uncovered which could allow hackers to gain passwords and sensitive data.

Spain rejects Catalan independence

4698The Spanish parliament has voted overwhelmingly against a referendum planned in Catalonia for independence.

The Catalan authorities requested parliament to give favourable consideration to the vote scheduled for 9 November.

Italy struggles with 4,000 desperate migrants in 48 hours

refugeesIn just 48 hours, 4,000 immigrants have made it by boat to Italian shores.

The arrivals from Africa and the Middle East are the highest number since Italy launched a naval operation two years ago to handle the influx.

Government targets a 15% increase in traffic on Portugal’s roads

roadworksThe new strategic plan for Portugal’s transport infrastructure has a target of increasing traffic volumes on the road and rail networks by 2020.

The new plan, which runs until 2020, contains an objective to increase by 15% the traffic on Portuguese motorways, reversing the downward trend seen since the beginning of the economic crisis.

China wants Golden Wang to serve ten years

prisonchineseThe Chinese citizen, and Golden Visa holder, Xiaodong Wang remains in custody after his detention under a European arrest warrant.  

Wang will stay in custody until the end of April as the Chinese authorities now have submitted an extradition request which has been received in Lisbon.

Spanish fishermen wreck boat off Culatra Island

culatraThree crew, all Spaniards, on board the Portuguese flagged ‘Raio de Luz’ which ran aground and sank off the island of Culatra, have all been rescued

The operation was coordinated by the Maritime Search and Rescue service in Lisbon with the Port Authority Olhão.

Easter holiday bookings ‘very positive’ for the Algarve

conradpressrelease2Reservations at the Algarve’s hotels for the Easter holiday period are up on last year, by 4-5% according to the Algarve Tourist Board.

The predictions were confirmed by the curiously happy president of the Association of Hotels and Resorts in the Algarve, Elidérico Viegas, who said that Easter is later this year, which of course helps.

New ‘Surf Bus’ to serve the Algarve's west coast

4828The Algarve’s first 'Surf Bus' has been launched in Lagos and will be carrying surfers and tourists to the best beaches on the Algarve’s west coast.

The bus organisers aim to help promote surfing, and also surfing as part of family holidays.