
Portugal's vehicle sales up 44.3% in February

bmwThe Automobile Association of Portugal today reported that the market for vehicles grew 44.3% this February compared to February 2013, reaching a total of 12,702 units sold.

In a statement the Association noted that in aggregate the in first two months of 2014 the car market had risen by 38.3% over the same period of 2013 with 23,608 vehicles sold.

Portugal's national debt at highest level ever recorded

lisbon2Portugal’s national debt rose to €217.31 billion in January 2014, according to depressing data from the Bank of Portugal. This is the highest debt figure ever officially registered since these things started to be recorded.

At the end of December 2013 the national debt had reached €213.39 billion which represented 129% of Portugal’s Gross Domestic Product. By the end of January this year, despite some promising economic data, this actually had risen by nearly €4 billion to the €217.31 billion figure.

Businesses are returning to Britain

londonMore British manufacturers are taking their companies back to the UK after decades of experimenting with operations in developing countries.

One in six companies has “reshored” production in the last three years, up from one in seven reported in 2009, according to manufacturers’ association EEF in its Backing Britain report.

Inexorable rise of UK energy prices

eonEnergy bills in the UK have rocketed by 55% in the last decade.

Despite the use of energy dropping by 17%, prices have gone from an average of £69 per month in 2002 to £106 a month by 2012.

IMF call for more austerity in Spain

imfThe Spanish government was trying to convince the world that it is beginning to recover, but the IMF was not buying it.

IMF head Christine Lagarde angered the authorities there when she instead insisted that the austerity drive must continue.

'Pure Algarve' tourism brand launched

alentejoview1Three Algarve development associations have launched the 'Pure Algarve’ initiative to attract nature tourism to the region.

The new brand will have one multimedia website available from March 30th 2014 in Portuguese, English, French, German and Spanish.

Faro Hospital's MRI scanner service ‘at risk’

mriscannerThe parliamentary group of the Left Bloc returned to question the government on the situation surrounding the MRI scanner service at Faro Hospital which they say is ‘at risk.’

The government has been asked this question before but as it declined to provide an answer within the stipulated 30 day period the Left Bloc again has asked when posing questions about the serious management failures at the Algarve Hospitals Group.

New Finanças card for correct receipts

financasFinanças is launching a handy new card to hand to retailers when customers want a receipt with their tax identification number (NIF) registered.

An email is being sent to taxpayers to let them know how this card can will make this process simpler and negates the need to call out their details when in a queue.