
Faro receives 'Smarter Cities Challenge' report from IBM

farocamaraFive consultants from IBM have submitted their report listing six recommendations for the Algarve's economy

The IBM president in Portugal, António Raposo de Lima presented the results from his team reporting that Faro needed to use its data more intelligently to improve the local economy. The research and reports are part of a prize won by Faro under IBM’s ‘Smarter Cities Challenge.’

Faro renovation plan for crumbling buildings

faro2Under the leadership of Faro mayor Rogério Bacalhau from the PSD/CDS-PP/MPT/PPM coalition, the council has agreed an inspired plan to reverse the dereliction of much of the city centre, and now has the support of the PSD party which has praised the 'effort and commitment of the Faro authority in its plan to halt and reverse the physical decline of deserted buildings which has increased in recent decades in downtown Faro.'

The creation of Urban Renewal Areas in three key downtown zones will start breathing new life into many of the old buildings that lie unoccupied and unloved.

Continental cheese leaving Cheddar behind

wallaceandgrommitBritish shoppers are spurning the country’s own cheeses in favour of more exotic continental varieties.

Last year, sales of the old staple, Cheddar, remained almost the same, while continental cheeses increased by more than 8%.

Spanish border breached again

refugeesSpain’s North African enclave of Melilla has come under renewed assault, with more than 200 migrants successfully scaling the border fence.

They used some of the same tactics deployed in other recent attempts, including hurling stones, sticks and bottles at police, according to officials.

Brits needed to help New Zealand rebuild

earthquakenzNearly 3,000 construction workers from the UK have gone to New Zealand over the last three years to help rebuild Christchurch which is still recovering from earthquake damage.

The quake caused 185 deaths when it struck in February 2011.

Lagos Police down to one car

gnrpatrolDistrict Command says that the un-roadworthy cars in the fleet will be repaired as soon as possible, but for now the lone patrol vehicle is all there is to deter and respond to crime, plus two bikes.

"One of the patrol cars is smoking, it has been for ages, and our officers refuse to drive it. The other two have faults that render them illegal to drive," said a police source, who requested anonymity when questioned by the national media today.

30,000 Portuguese emigrated to the UK in 2013

airplanePortugal’s employable nationals are leaving the country as fast as easyJet can carry them with another 30,000 heading to the UK last year to seek a better quality of life than in their homeland where unemployment and low wages make staying an unattractive proposition.

Most left to go to jobs and the total is 50% up on the 2012 figure, according to official UK records.

Portugal’s footwear sector kicks back

shoesPortugal has a worldwide reputation for its quality footwear, lying just behind Italy in quality image recognition, and is to invest a further €20 million in promoting itself internationally.

The plan for the next two years is to attend trade shows in every key export market to show that the Portuguese footwear industry is "the most sophisticated in the world.”