Eurozone economy remains fragile

eurozone2Growth in the eurozone has slowed yet again, leading to hopes for recovery losing momentum.

In the third quarter of the year, fragile growth was down to 0.1% as the eurozone average. November, however, brought a slowdown.

Germany investigates extremist link to murders

germanyAuthorities in Germany fear that hundreds of killings could be linked to a neo-Nazi group.

Officials there are undertaking a re-examination of hundreds of cases of murder and attempted murder over the last twenty years to see if they are linked to far-right extremists.

Picasso original to be raffled

picassoThe ‘Man in the Opera Hat’, a Cubist work in gouache by Picasso, is valued at $1 million.

It has been placed in a Christmas charity raffle with tickets on sale for €100.

Tavira achieves UNESCO status for Algarve's Mediterranean Diet

fish2The president of Tavira Câmara is very satisfied that the Algarve's Mediterranean Diet has now been officially recognised, and its spiritual homes designated as being in Tavira.
The Mediterranean Diet encompasses various techniques and practices and the Algarve version now has been registered as an Intangible Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) at its meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Algarve tourism's magic bus returns with good results

tourismThe president of Algarve Tourism, the omnipresent Desiderio Silva, professed himself chuffed to bits with the results obtained by his Andalician, Galician and northern Portuguese roadshow ‘Enchanting Algarve' and said that this exercise would be repeated next year.

The magic bus returned home last week after its 2,000 kilometre round trip which transported the essence of the Algarve to Spanish tour operators and travel agencies, and home grown ones in Oporto and the north.

Algarve - 550 fires this year and 23 arrests

fireFrom January until October 31st this year the Algarve’s Bombeiros have attended 550 countryside fires, luckily most of them small ones (the fires, not the Bombeiros) and the police arrested 23 people and charged them with arson, one was caught in the act.

Data from the National Authority for Civil Protection (ANPC) released today at a press conference in Faro showed that despite the seemingly high number of fires the total was 28% down on 2012 with most fires destroying less than 1 hectare (54%).

Britons raid their savings

bankofenglandBritish savers have been removing cash from their savings accounts at the fastest rate seen since nearly 40 years ago.

According to the Bank of England, £23 billion has been withdrawn from long-term savings in the last year. This works out to be the equivalent of £900 for each household.

Tea to China, canoes to Eskimos

kayakA British company has been selling kayaks to indigenous Inuits in Greenland.

Sea Kayaking UK, based in Holyhead, is one of the leading manufacturers of sea kayaks in the world.

“Our kayaks are based on the ancient Inuit designs so things are coming full circle now,” said Sea Kayaking UK founder Nigel Dennis.”