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Transport strike - Faro airport running out of aviation fuel

ryanairA transport strike affecting the delivery of fuel supplies to the nation’s filling stations also has affected Faro airport where supplies already are down to emergency levels.

The strike by drivers of dangerous materials, including aviation fuels, began at midnight on Monday, April 15, and the region’s filling stations soon witnessed a rise in consumption coupled with zero deliveries with social media picking up on stations without fuel.

Alojamento Local holiday lets - Finanças to demand customer data

alThe Ministry of Finance is looking at ways of forcing companies such as Airbnb and Portugal's 'Uniplaces.' to report property owner data.

The objective is to catch those owners who are involved in tax fraud and tax evasion.

Strikes could hit Ryanair tomorrow - Tuesday 16th April

ryanair13Despite Ryanair’s management heralding a new era of near-perfect labour relations, it has just received a strike notice that may affect flights until July.

On Tuesday, April 16th, the Union representing workers at the low-cost airline and the airport company Groundlink, announced a strike.

Eye-watering loans to Novo Banco are 'stabilisation' says Finance Minister

novobancoshinylogoGovernment plans to inject another €1.0 billion into Novo Banco during 2020 and 2021, spinning the disastrous obligation as "a billion euro ceiling.”

The Government plans to transfer the €1.0 billion is part of the public guarantee for the US controlled bank, available until 2026.

Faro - best place in the Algarve to live and work

faro2Faro is in 8th place, Portimão 16th and Albufeira 19th in the Bloom Consulting 'Top25 Portugal City Brand Ranking' for 2019 which ranks the best cities in which to invest, visit and live.

Faro is the best municipality in the Algarve to live and in which to do business, according to the ranking.

Algarve University accommodation crisis - private sector steps in

studentsgraduationThe crowdfunding platform, Housers, is offering Portuguese investors the opportunity to fund the development of a new Algarve University residence.

A two-story building in the centre of Faro is to be converted to house 59 students.

Algarve MPs slam new fishing agreement as Spain always cheats

fishingNorthSeaJosé Carlos Barros and Cristóvão Norte, Algarve Social Democratic Party MPs, have questioned the government on its approval of the Guadiana River and Minho River Fisheries Agreements, (Acordos Fronteiriços de Pesca do Rio Guadiana e do Rio Minho) which will be in force for at least five years.

According to the MPs, "it is unacceptable that the process has not been the subject of public debate and after a thorough evaluation of the previous agreement, taking into account the known and widespread criticism of fishermen and industry associations of the activities of the Spanish fishing fleet in Portuguese waters."

Silves pillory fully restored by specialist team

silvescouncilThe Silves pillory, in the Praça do Município, recently has undergone conservation and restoration work by a specialist team from the Council.

"With the intervention, the natural colour of the pillory's stone column was revealed and the forms and reliefs carved in its crown, once covered by fungi and lichens, came back to life.