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More than 16,000 immigrants workers registered in 2018 - most were from Brazil

construction2Five times more immigrant workers were approved in 2018, most of them Brazilians. This is a reflection of the changes to the SEF rules which have simplified the process and enabled illegal workers to get legal.

In 2017, there were 3,500 immigrants applying for registration but the jump to 16,517 in 2018 has put Foreign and Borders Service staff under pressure.

Parliament supports smaller car rental companies against ANA's 'abusive practices'

FaroAirportFrontIt has taken parliament to intervene but at last the smaller car rental companies at Faro airport have a champion joining their cause.

The Communist Party’s proposal in defence of oppressed businesses, for years subjected to extortionate fees and charges by airports operator ANA, has been approved in part.

House price rise in Portugal 4th highest in Europe

OlhaoViewSmallPortugal was at the top of the house price hike last year. A fourth quarter rise of 9.3% equals Luxembourg and the Netherlands, surpassed only by some countries in Eastern Europe - Slovenia (18.2%), Latvia (11.8%) and Czech Republic (9.9%)

Prices in the EU and the Eurozone have increased by an average of 4.2% over the past year while in some countries house prices have fallen, such as in Italy - by 0.6%.

'Work until 69 before pensions are paid' - states latest report

oldpersonA study presented this Friday, argues that the retirement age in Portugal will have to increase by three years, to 69-years-old, to ensure the sustainability of the pension system.

Given the demographic and macroeconomic scenario, the study published by the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation, predicts that the number of pensioners is expected to grow from 2.7 million to 3.3 million between 2020 and 2045.

Duarte Lima to be jailed

duarte limaA Lisbon Court had ordered the closure of the "Homeland - BPN" case and that Duarte Lima must be jailed.

There is no further possibility of appeal in the case and Duarte Lima, the former MP, must serve his reduced sentence of six years.

Rubbish collections and ecopoints boosted for Algarve summer season

rubbishThe management of the regional waste company, Algar, says it has prepared a series of measures for the summer season during which the number of residents almost triples.

In a statement to the press, the company says it takes into account, "the high tourist turnout in the region" especially during the long school holidays, "since the population almost triples the total of residents in these periods, causing an increase in the production of waste.”

SEF inspectors catch illegal workers on Albufeira building site

construction2The Foreigners and Borders Service have mounted a surveillance operation at a construction site in Albufeira and identified dozens of foreign workers.

According to a statement from the SEF, last Wednesday’s operation identified 84 citizens, nine of whom were told to leave the country within 20 days as they were in the country illegally.

Portimão Council to spend €500,000 on CCTV in Praia da Rocha

cctvPortimão Council has set aside €500,000 for the installation of CCTV surveillance equipment in the coastal tourist resort of Praia da Rocha.

Mayor Isilda Gomes announced the spend during the Safe Destination Algarve seminar (Algarve a Destino Seguro) held in Portimão museum.