A fifth of Portuguese live outside the country - mostly in France

portugalA total of 100,000 Portuguese emigrated in 2016, down 10,000 from the year before, continuing a slowing down in the loss of Portugal’s citizens that has been going on since 2013.

The Emigration Report for 2016, issued by the Observatory of Emigration, stated that, "the analysis of the new statistics from the Observatory reveals that emigration reached its maximum value this century in 2013, with about 120,000 leaving, since which there has been a downward trajectory in line with the economic recovery in the country, albeit at a slower pace."

Albufeira: Alfamar mega-tourism project rejected by regional development committee

alfamarThe Sunset Albufeira Sport & Health Resort project, an expansion at the Alfamar hotel site across 95 hectares of agricultural and ecological land, has been rejected by the evaluation Committee of the region's Regional Development Commission, the CCDR-Algarve.

The environmental impact study covering this area of pine-clad clifftops and agricultural land between and inland from the beaches of Falésia and Rocha Baixinha, Albufeira, was given an "unfavourable" opinion.

Law changes for political party financing agreed in secret

parliamentAmendments to the law covering political party financing were approved just before Christmas, having been discussed in secret without minutes of the meeting or any record of who presented the proposed changes.

All the public are allowed to know is the parties that approved the changes and that these now will be analysed by the President of the Republic and signed, or rejected.

Finance Ministry announces Portugal's year-end figures will hit ambitious 2017 target

MinisterCentenoFinancePortugal’s government spending to the end of November exceeded revenue by €2 billion, nearly half the deficit at the same point last year, leading the Treasury to declare the all-important year-end deficit will be 1.4% of GDP, or even less.

The result guarantees a budget surplus, before interest payments, of almost €6 billion allowing the Ministry of Finance to close the year with a deficit at, or under the target of 1.4%, the ambitious figure that was put in the 2017 State Budget.

Portugal opens third consulate in China

chinastockmarketcrashIn early 2018, the Portuguese government will open a third consulate in China, the first new opening in 13 years.

The location is the city of Guangzhou with current consulates already operating in Beijing and Shanghai.

Storm 'Bruno' inbound

rainstormThe latest storm scheduled to hit Portugal, storm ‘Bruno,’ is moving eastwards from a position to the south west of the United Kingdom and by Tuesday evening should have arrived in the Northern and Central regions of Portugal.

The Algarve will escape the worst that dear Bruno has to offer but will have some rain on Wednesday morning. This is not as bad as in the north where an orange weather warning has been issued for heavy rain and high winds.

"Cristiano Ronaldo should be arrested" says Spain’s top tax official

ronaldoThe head of the Spanish Tax Agency argued in court that that the financial crimes of which Cristiano Ronaldo is accused, justify his detention.

"Sincerely, we have people arrested for not paying €125,000 in tax," said Caridad Gómez Mouelo, head of Spain’s unit for tax offences.

Portugal's NHS saves tens of millions by buying generic drugs

pillsdesignerPortugal's national health service hospitals have saved millions in the first ten months of 2016 by buying three generic medicines* rather than their branded equivalents.

Data provided by the Drug Authority (Infarmed) showed that purchasing these three generic drugs, used in the treatment of cancer and HIV, allowed a cost saving of €25.5 million between January and October, compared to the same period last year.