"Uber is a transport company" declares EU Court of Justice

ubertaxiThe European Union's Court of Justice ruled today that Uber is a transport company - not a digital company, as the company had argued. This means it will have to comply with EU and national legislation in force for the transport sector.

Portugal’s government, still dithering over what applicable legislation will placate the transport union ANTRAL, will allow Uber to operate its desirable service to the benefit of Portugal’s users and now has a definition of the service category to work with.

Universal Church of the Kingdom of God investigated in illegal adoption scheme

baby2012An inquiry has been opened into the illegal adoption of babies arranged by a centre run by the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God.

The Attorney General's Office has opened the inquiry in order to, "investigate the possible existence of incorrect or irregular procedures" in the case of adoptions arranged by the Church, based in Brazil and operated by the billionaiore Bishop Edir Macedo.

Odeleite river beach voted down - €200,000 of free EU money lost

odeleiteCasto Marim’s mayor continues to suffer thwarted plans, the latest example being the rejection by his socialist opposition to project to build a beach on the Odeleite river.

The plan has been voted out and €200,000 of free EU money now is lost, moans the mayor, when in fact many did not want the beach where the council wanted to put it, noting that an area already used as a bathing area would have been preferable, closer to the village and certainly more convenient for locals

Post Office workers on strike this Thursday and Friday

cttvanPost Office management’s scheme to cut the number of workers, reduce the number of branches (and somehow still operate in accordance with its concession agreement) has not gone down well with the workers' union which has issued a strike notice for Thursday and Friday this week, ostensibly for better working conditions but in fact in rejection of the Transformation Plan.

Fernando Ambrioso, head of the Union of Postal and Telecommunications Workers, fully expects that a high number of workers will not turn up for work on Thursday and Friday (21st and 22nd December) as they are not at all happy with the direction the business is going and at job losses.

Theresa May's Christmas message - expatriates 'hugely valued' by Portugal

number10The British Prime Minister, Theresa May, sends a Brexit Britain update to epatriate UK citizens living within the EU, assuring all that rights will be protected during and after the negotiations with the European Council last week:

"From the very beginning of the UK’s negotiations to leave the European Union I have been consistently clear that protecting the rights of both EU citizens living in the UK and UK nationals living in the EU was my first priority. I know that the referendum result has caused considerable anxiety for many of you and your families.

Post Office 'transformation plan' slammed by Left Bloc and Communists

cttcounterPortugal’s Post Office directors plan to cut 800 staff over the next three years as the management of the privatised business grapple with the realities of business in a shrinking market for postal deliveries.

The Left Bloc, which opposed the sell-off of the nation’s postal service, wants to halt the lay-offs and to see the business taken back into public hands.

Convicted Italian terrorist extradited from Portugal to Italy

ItalianTerroristThe neo-fascist terrorist, Maurizio Tramonte, sentenced to life imprisonment in Italy for the ‘Massacre of Piazza di Loggia’ which left eight dead and more than 100 injured in 1974, was been extradited to Italy on Tuesday, December 19th.

Tramonte, 65, was captured in Fátima in June, one day after his conviction was confirmed by the highest court in Italy.

Vicious street robbers arrested in Faro

gnrlogoThe GNR in Faro yesterday arrested two men on suspicion of nine violent street robberies of elderly people.

The vicious attacks were carried out in Faro, Olhão, Loulé and São Brás de Alportel council areas.