
Roundup stitch-up - chunks of 'independent' European report were written by Monsanto

glyphosateThe European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) ‘copied and pasted’ entire paragraphs of a Monsanto report on glyphosate to enable a European sales permit for Roundup to be renewed.

Whole paragraphs from dozens of pages of the Monanto report were lifted by the EFSA and included in what was supposed to be an independent scientific report on the effects of the chemical on human health.

No more 'junk' - Standard & Poor's lifts Portugal's rating in surprise move

eurozoneFive-and-a-half years after categorising Portugal’s credit rating as ‘junk’, Standard & Poor’s has surprised the market and lifted the country off the bottom rung to an improved ‘BBB-‘ rating.

For the first time since January 2012, Portugal has two credit rating agencies that rate Portugal’s changes of survival and improvement as above 'lousy.'

National Defence chief quits over dodgy qualifications row

EstevesFireChiefPortugal’s Civil Protection chief, Rui Esteves, has quit after it was discovered that he may well have claimed qualifications to which he was not entitled. He was asked to quit - or be fired.

Esteves also faces earlier accusations that he had two public sector jobs, when allowed only one, but finally quit today after hearing that the Minister of Higher Education and the head of Castelo Branco Poly had asked the General Inspectorate of Education to check on whether he actually had earned the degree which he claimed.

Querença olive tree fraud - Finns accused of €200,000 scam

olivesA family of Finns living in the Algarve has been accused of defrauding the State to the tune of €200,000 by diverting agricultural grants that were never used for their intended purpose.

The missing grant money has been traced through a myriad of bank transfers to an offshore account in Delaware and Pedro Ribeiro, the chairman of the Institute for the Financing of Agriculture and Fisheries, is keen to progress with a damages claim to try and get the money back.

Olhão council and Altice set up "an incubator for technology-based companies"

alticeLogoThe announcement of the deal between Olhão council and Altice Laboratories took locals by surprise as, far from Altice setting up a research facility in this Algarve municipality, it is sponsoring and facilitating a new incubator for technology-based companies.

Altice and the local mayor, António Pina, signed an agreement today that has taken nine months to prepare and paves the way for a high-profile technology incubator to be set up in what once was a city renowned for its canned fish products.

Council plans to spend €800,000 on new sports facility in Sagres

bricksDue to the amount of money budgeted for the building of a new sports club in Sagres, the court of auditors will be looking closely at the estimates provided by Regulconcrete, Construção Civil and Obras Públicas, SA., which aims to bill the council, over €800,000.

Adelino Soares, the mayor of Vila do Bispo, and Mário Guerreiro from the construction company have signed the contract for the alteration and expansion of the facilities that will become a new headquarters for the Clube Recreativo Infante of Sagres.

Messines - GNR drug patrol nabs on-the-run murderer

handcuffIt appears to be increasingly hard to dupe the Criminal Investigation team of the Silves GNR, especially if you are a prisoner on the run.

On Wednesday, September 13th, a GNR patrol on drug prevention duty which stopped and searched a public bus in São Bartolomeu de Messines, questioned a 45-year-old man and asked for some identification.

2017 really will be "a record year" for Algarve's tourism sector

albufeirabeachThe much used phrase ‘the best year ever’ soon may correctly be used for tourism in the Algarve as the statistics institute has confirmed that the region has provided 10.7 million overnight stays to the end of July, a big increase and one that may see the hotel sector turnover a billion euros of more for the full year.

Desidério Silva, president of the Algarve Tourism Region, believe that this year may well be record breaking, a projected increase in overnight stays to the year-end of between 7% and 8%.