Canadian company sets up medical cannabis growing facility in Portugal

marijuanaCanadian company, Tilray, has received the necessary licences to operate a marijuana growing and processing facility near Coimbra.

The company is to invest around €30 million in a 'medical cannabis'* operation and has the go-ahead to import the necessary seeds and clones and to cultivate them.

Arrests in Algarve and Lisbon in prescription drugs fraud

8598The National Anti-Corruption Unit of the Judicial Police has completed an operation in Lisbon and the Algarve, during which several searches were made and four 'medical professionals' were arrested, one of whom was in possession of a prohibited weapon.

This operation has been to investigate “active and passive corruption, forgery of documents and qualified fraud."

Hangares naval base - "no guns or explosions" says Naval chief

hangaresThe Navy’s plans for a reactivated training base on the Ria Formosa island of Culatra have been toned down since the original announcement.

Firstly, Admiral Silva Ribeiro announced last week that Naval armed forces will be returning to the abandoned military base, next to the sleepy settlement of Hangares, with a permanent presence to undertake complex and sophisticated training operations.

Algarve's prisoners help the poor with organic food

VegPatacaoPrisoners from local jails have been growing food on a farm at Patacao, Faro for distribution to the region’s poor.

After a year-and-a-half of a protocol between Algar and the Algarve’s Food Bank Against Hunger, under the ‘Horta Solidária’ banner, both organisations have said the operation has been successful on a number of levels.

Only half of fruits sold in Portugal's supermarkets come from Portugal

strawberryOnly half of the fruits and two-thirds of vegetables sold in Portugal’s supermarkets are produced in the country, according to survey results published by the environmental association, Zero.

The in-depth analysis relied on analysis of the origin of vegetables and fruits and concluding that many of the products sourced from abroad could be produced in Portugal.

Catalonia to hold October referendum on whether to split from Spain

spanishflagSpanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, is swinging into action to stop a referendum organised by the wannabe independent region of Catalonia.

Rojoy is demanding that Spain’s constitutional court looks at revoking a law passed on Wednesday by the Catalan parliament that triggers an October 1st vote for independence from Spain, which Rajoy claims is unconstitutional.

Lena Group's hotels and leisure business seeks creditor protection

eurozoneThe Lena Group’s tourism and hotels company has applied for protection from its creditors under a PER special revitalisation process.

The principal creditor is Novo Banco which is owed just under €20 million and could do without a major failure on its hands at a time when the  bank’s every move is being watched as it prepares to be transferred to US vulture fund, Lone Star.

Debt agencies hassle consumers over unenforceable energy and telecom bills

electricityDeco’s Regional office in the Algarve has received numerous complaints from consumers who are being plagued by debt collectors, pressing to extract payment for old telecommunications and energy company bills.

The debt collectors are working through lists that are so old - some of them almost 10 years overdue – that customers are under no legal obligation to pay for services for which they have never been sent a bill.