IC1 head-on collision leaves two dead

crashTwo drivers died in a road accident that resulted in the busy IC1 being cut in both directions at Santana da Serra, just over the Algarve border in the Alentejo region.

The head-on collision between two passenger cars instantly killed the two drivers, a man and a woman.

Bombeiros receive cheque for €14,500 from Algarve householders' waste

electronicwasteOver the past two years or more, 194 tons of waste electrical and electronic equipment has been collected from the Algarve's residents. This has resulted in a cheque for €14,500  - made out to the Algarve’s firefighters.

Since May 2015, the Algarve’s Bombeiros stations have been part of the collection network for the Portuguese Association for Waste Management (Amb3E) as part of an Algar-managed campaign.

Record harvest for Algarve's wine producers

vinesThe Algarve’s hot summer has not damaged what will be a record harvest with predictions from the region’s Wine Commission of of an increase of 20% over the 2016 figure.

After winter and spring characterised by low rainfall and some relative humidity, all of which led to good vine development, high temperatures in July accelerated the maturation of the grapes, making an early harvest necessary.

Coup for mayor as Altice Labs plans to open business in Olhão

alticeLogoOlhão’s embattled mayor, António Pina, continues to pull vote-winning rabbits out of the hat with today’s announcement that telecoms giant, Altice, is to set up a facility in the Algarve city.

As part of the company's decentralisation programme, put into effect under new owner Patrick Drahi, Altice Labs is setting up in one of the Algarve’s poorest areas.

Two men hit by bulls at the Moita Festival

bullTwo men came off worse in a bull fighting event at the Moita Festivities, in honour of Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem.

According to footage on social networks, one man was thrown by a bull but managed to get up and leave the rink without signs of injury.

Turismo de Portugal boss owns a tourist accommodation rental company

turismodeportugallogoLuís Araújo, the national tourist authority’s president, is a part-owner of a company that leases rooms to tourists, but has assured the media that this presents "no incompatibility" with his daytime job.

Araújo owns 15% of the shares in Casas do Barão Lda., a company that owns a building in the Chiado area of Lisbon that lets rooms to tourists and is able to buy and sell property and offer 'consultancy services' which Araújo is well placed to do when considering his daytime job. The majority partner of Casas do Barão Lda., is Araújo’s husband.

Portugal's agricultural sector dominated by powerful agro-chemical interest groups

olivetreeAccording to the latest information on Portugal’s drought, issued by the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere, at the end of August the situation remained dire with 58.9% of the territory in severe drought, 37.8% in moderate drought, 2.6% in weak drought and 0, 7% in extreme drought.

There is no rain forecast for September, which, while tourist businesses might be rejoicing, leaves agriculture facing severe difficulties.

Portimão bus terminal 'in the middle of nowhere' slammed by opposition

PortimaoBusStationThe Servir Portimão opposition coalition has slammed the council’s new bus station as being nothing more than political window dressing, “a result of the political stubbornness and electoral despair of the current mayor, Isilda Gomes."

Wannabe mayor, José Pedro Caçorino, issued a statement claiming that "this new infrastructure does not meet the minimum requirements to serve the Portimão population in a dignified manner."