Drought just gets worse with no rain in sight

droughtWith no relief so far in October, Portugal’s weather service reports that for September this year, 80% of the mainland was suffering ‘severe drought’ at the end of a month that it categorises as ‘extremely hot.’

According to the bulletin, September was an increase in the area affected by severe and extreme drought conditions.

Galp-ENI denied extention for Aljezur test-well drilling

oilAljezurImagePortugal's government has given a “no” to the oil consortium Galp-Eni which had asked for test drilling contract extension for a further year to December 2018.

In a surprise move, the Government refusal to extend the contract, signed with the consortium to enable it to drill off Aljezur, stating that local councils potentially affected need to agree the extension.

New 'Algarve Art' Magazine is Launched

Algarve Art Magazine'Algarve-Art' is proud to announce the publication of a new unique Algarve Art! quarterly Free online Art Magazine for the Algarve.

The First Edition of the brand new Algarve Art! magazine was launched this week. This is a new quarterly online magazine brought to you free of charge to read and enjoy.

The Magazine is linked to the new Algarve Art website https://algarve-art.com and newly formed Algarve Society of Artists.

British man dies in Quelfes air crash

INEM125A British man died on Thursday afternoon, October 5th, when his fixed wing ultralite crashed near the EN125 at Quelfes, Olhão.

A spokesman from the Civil Protection agency said the 70-year-old Briton crashed uncontrollably on a plot of land behind a restaurant from where a small air club operates.

Spain's King sides with Madrid as monarchy threatened

spanishflagSpain's Constitutional Court has order that a session in Catalonia's parliament, which could be used to declare independence, must be suspended.

Catalan lawmakers have summoned Catalonia’s regional president, Carles Puigdemont, to address parliament about the referendum on independence held last Sunday amid police violence that was viewed with dismay across the world.

Vila Real de Santo António's 'Feira da Praia' - going strong since 1765

vrsa2The Feira da Praia (Fair of the Beach) will be held in Vila Real de Santo António, between October 10th and 15th, as is traditional.
The fair takes place along Avenida da República and in Marquês de Pombal Square, and attracts thousands of visitors, mainly from Spain where the 12th of October is a holiday.

Ricardo Salgado’s pension seized by the State

salgado11The Central Criminal Investigation Court has ordered the seizure of most of the remaining €39,000-a-month pension payment made to Ricardo Salgado, the former president of BES and Grupo Espírito Santo.

The preemptive seizure was made as part of the various investigations Salgado faces after everything went so horrible wrong for the 'Master of all he Surveys.'

Temperatures to hit 36°C over the long weekend

11459With many workers planning a long, holiday weekend from Wednesday evening to next Monday morning, the weather in Portugal will offer clear skies and soaring temperatures with Faro steady at around 30°C over the weekend.

Some regions will have temperatures of up to 36°C, including the central Alentejo and Central areas, according to the medium range forecast from the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA).