Two men hit by bulls at the Moita Festival

bullTwo men came off worse in a bull fighting event at the Moita Festivities, in honour of Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem.

According to footage on social networks, one man was thrown by a bull but managed to get up and leave the rink without signs of injury.

Turismo de Portugal boss owns a tourist accommodation rental company

turismodeportugallogoLuís Araújo, the national tourist authority’s president, is a part-owner of a company that leases rooms to tourists, but has assured the media that this presents "no incompatibility" with his daytime job.

Araújo owns 15% of the shares in Casas do Barão Lda., a company that owns a building in the Chiado area of Lisbon that lets rooms to tourists and is able to buy and sell property and offer 'consultancy services' which Araújo is well placed to do when considering his daytime job. The majority partner of Casas do Barão Lda., is Araújo’s husband.

Portugal's agricultural sector dominated by powerful agro-chemical interest groups

olivetreeAccording to the latest information on Portugal’s drought, issued by the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere, at the end of August the situation remained dire with 58.9% of the territory in severe drought, 37.8% in moderate drought, 2.6% in weak drought and 0, 7% in extreme drought.

There is no rain forecast for September, which, while tourist businesses might be rejoicing, leaves agriculture facing severe difficulties.

Portimão bus terminal 'in the middle of nowhere' slammed by opposition

PortimaoBusStationThe Servir Portimão opposition coalition has slammed the council’s new bus station as being nothing more than political window dressing, “a result of the political stubbornness and electoral despair of the current mayor, Isilda Gomes."

Wannabe mayor, José Pedro Caçorino, issued a statement claiming that "this new infrastructure does not meet the minimum requirements to serve the Portimão population in a dignified manner."

'Family-friendly' Albufeira - violence leaves two fingers severed and one man dead

inemA barman, set upon and beaten in an Albufeira street, has been allowed to die in hospital as his injuries were so severe, Doctors said he was brain dead and had close to zero chance of regaining consciousness.

On Friday, Paulo di Santo’s family authorised that his life support systems were turned off.

Judges call October strike after return from six week recess

courthousePortugal’s judges are going on strike in early October, a move designed to cause maximum upset to the validation process of the local council election results.

Having returned from a six week summer recess, during which the court system was on hold, the nation’s judges are due to 'down gavels' on October 3rd and 4th, blaming Justice Minister Francesca van Dunem for not wanting to enter into ‘pay and status’ talks.

Oceans Meeting in Lisbon concentrates on marine litter and health

oceanThe European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas, said at the Oceans Meeting in Lisbon today that the sea is "the most promising frontier for innovation in health," reminding delegates from 50 countries of the need for collaboration between nations, scientists and disciplines.

Moedas spoke at the opening session of the international conference at the Oceans Meeting 2017, which ended today in Lisbon, under the heading of ‘Ocean health and human health.’

TAP booming - record passenger numbers reported

taplogoTAP transported 1.420 million passengers in August this year, a new record for passengers in a single month and a 224,000 passenger increase over August last year, “a year-on-year increase of 18.7%," stated the State controlled company.

The highlight is the company's European routes, where TAP shipped 854,000 passengers, 146,000 more than in the same month of 2016 - a rise of 20.6%.