PAN seeks ban on circus performances that include animals

lionCircusThe People-Animals-Nature political party, famous for having but one MP, is determined that the circus sector in Portugal should not be allowed to continue to use live animals.

The ‘Circos Sem Animais’ campaign started in Olhão on September 11th, and aims to "alert the municipal executive of each of the sixteen regional councils of the need to stamp out the use of animals in the circus."

Over 60s Portuguese travellers make Tavira their number one destination

tavira2Cost conscious, independently minded senior travellers from within Portugal, using Airbnb to book accommodation, have been taking breaks in Tavira, making it the number one destination - worldwide.

Beating competitors such as Paris, London and Rome, the over-60s age group has ensured that Tavira leads as the ‘most visited destination’ by seniors using the bookings website.

Águas de Portugal borrows money to pay off council water debts

water2Águas de Portugal already owes the European Investment Bank €1,450 million but has managed to secure another loan of €420 million, nearly half of which will be used to cover the debts of councils which owe money to their source water supplier.

In a move guaranteed to make Portugal’s councils even less likely to pay for their water supplies, while continuing to charge impotent householders often mind-boggling mark-ups, the European Investment Bank will lend money to the Portuguese water group to develop and fix up the country’s leaking water supply system and to build larger waste water treatment plants while council debts will be centralised under a mysterious 'funding instrument.'

'Mentally incapable' Portuguese pensioner to receive her £170,000 compensation

justiceA chance meeting in a London restaurant led to a Portuguese woman, deemed incapable by her own lawyers, receiving the £170,000 she had been awarded after an accident in 2006.

A Portuguese law student at the University of London helped the 69-year-old illiterate Madeiran expatriate redeem the compensation held by law firm that had seized her assets, declaring her "unable to administer them," as she was mentally unfit.

Portuguese general manager for Designer Outlet Algarve at the IKEA retail park

MarShoppingBossThe managing company for the new Designer Outlet shopping area, ROS Retail Outlet Shopping GmbH, has appointed a Portuguese general manager.

Miguel Paraiso Guerreiro is to be responsible for the Austrian company’s first foray into Portugal when later this month, the designer area at the IKEA-owned retail site near Loulé opens its doors.

Ilegal Gumball Rally through Spain and Portugal thwarted by Guardia Civil

PorscheRacingCarSpain’s Guardia Civil traffic division has thwarted a plan to race high-powered sports cars from Spain, through Portugal and then down to Marbella in a modern version of the Gumball Rally.

Three Dutch drivers have been arrested and eight others have been clocked at illegal speeds with several high-end cars seized.

Portugal's online gambling operators may quit

pokerPortugal has issued the ninth online gambling website under recently released laws, despite an underwhelming uptake for foreign entrants.    

According to the Portugal regulatory body, Serviço Regulação e Inspeção de Jogos do Turismo de Portugal (SRIJ), online license number nine has been issued to Sociedade Figueira Praia, a Portugal-licensed operating casino games under the Casino Portugal brand.

'Green Sheikh' drops in on Silves mayor

GreenSheikSheikh Abdulaziz bin Ali Al Nuaimi, from the United Arab Emirates, also known as ‘The Green Sheikh’ for his environmental initiatives, dropped in on Silves council to meet the mayor.  

Rosa Palma, welcoming this immensely wealthy member of the Ajman Royal Family, spent time highlighting the natural wealth of the Silves area, which is rich in natural habitats and discussed her concerns regarding the preservation of the environment.