'Health tax' triggers a 25% drop in consumption of sugar-filled soft drinks

cocacolaPortugal’s taxation of sugary soft drinks has helped trigger a 25% drop in their consumption.

Purchases of sugar-laden drinks fell 25% between February and July 2017, after a new 'health tax' was imposed and the Ministry of Health now plans to apply the tax on a wider range of soft drink products.

Ricardo Salgado may have to struggle by on €11,500-a-month

salgado11Novo Banco pension fund administrators have gone to court to reduce the €90,000-a-month pension paid to the disgraced banker, Ricardo Salgado and the other directors of the former Banco Espírito Santo.

The proposal is to reduce the monthly pay-outs to €11,500, roughly the level of a BES director’s ‘in work’ pay before the bank went spectacularly bust in 2014.

British stand-up paddleboarders rescued off Sagres

sagreslifeboatThree British stand-up paddleboarders were unable to get back to shore on their own and had to be rescued by the Sagres lifeboat.

The paddleboarders, females aged between 20 and 30 and caught out by adverse winds and currents, called for help.

Ryanair chaos as more flights are cancelled

ryanair12Ryanair’s high risk policy of cancelling flights, the initial limp excuse being ‘to increase the airline’s punctuality rate,’ continues to cause widespread confusion, anger and resentment among its customers as the Irish airline’s management announced this morning that an additional 164 flights, scheduled to depart over the next three days, will affect up to 30,000 passengers.

The airline is to shelve 50 flights a day for the next six weeks in a move that has caused uproar in the cost-sensitive and notoriously fickle short-haul market.

Algarve motorway accident leaves one dead and three badly injured

11399An accident on the A2 in the Algarve left one person dead and three seriously injured this Sunday morning September 17th.

The incident near Paderne, Albufeira, happened at around 11:30am and happened in the toll collection area.

New driving laws - only 3% of drivers have had points deducted from their licences

porscheIn an administrative, political and hugely embarrassing foul-up, only 3% of drivers fined for offences have had points deducted on their license.

Over 400,000 drivers in Portugal have been fined in the year to June 2017 but only 14,000 have had points deducted due to ‘system failures,’ according to a damning analysis by Portugal’s Road Safety organisation.

Algarve motor caravanning facilities continue to be inadequate

motorcaravan1Motor caravanning is an all-year-round activity in the Algarve, especially buoyant in the low season but the biggest problem has been the lack of response by councils, most of which have failed to provide registered sites.

So far, the Algarve has the only recognised motor caravanning network in the country but this "is still very insufficient", says José Pires, president of the Portuguese Federation of Motor Caravanning.

Kamov helicopter fiacso - 'not in the public interest' charge levied

helicopterRocha Andrade has been accused of ‘not acting in the public interest’ in the highly suspicious and ruinously expensive purchase of six Russian Kamov helicopters for firefighting duties, of which only four have even worked.

The Public Prosecutor has accused the former Secretary of State for Tax Affairs of not having taken into account the public’s minimum requirement of value for money by purchasing equipment that actually worked according to specification.