Pedrógão Grande fire - survivors and relatives left to fend for themselves

FireLeiriaSmallCarsRelatives of those who died in the Pedrógão Grande fire, which killed an estimated 64 people in mid-June, have criticised the authorities for the lack of available information and a distinct lack of the psychological support that was promised.

At a meeting to discuss the statutes for an ‘Association of Fire Victims of Pedrógão Grande’ those present discussed taking the State to court for its appalling lack of contact, lack of detail and lack of support after one of Portugal’s worst disasters on record.

Via do Infante - official complaint lodged against Public-Private Road Partnerships

a22A formal complaint against Public-Private Partnerships on many of Portugal's roads has been presented to the Attorney General's Office by Frente Cívica, an association led by the anti-corruption campaigner and former presidential candidate, Paulo Morais.

If accepted, the document will involve the opening of a judicial inquiry into how these PPP contracts were drawn up and signed off, in order to find out who was responsible and to repair any damage to the public interest.

Portugal's drought is official - government aid now offered to farmers

droughtCrops that should have been harvested, instead are being fed to animals as Portugal’s drought continues to hit the agricultural sector, especially in southern Portugal which dried out three months earlier than usual.

The Minister of Agriculture, Capoulas Santos, now has signed a key document to confirm that these drought conditions are official and to enable farmers to apply for financial help.

New doctor for Monchique dies on his second day at work

11446A recently appointed agency doctor, who started work at the Monchique Health Centre last Thursday, collapsed and died at work on Friday morning.

The regional health authority, faced with two doctors officially retiring this year, says that the municipality will be covered, after some rescheduling and redeployment within the region. A replacement doctor is to be found.

Portugal seeks death penalty for Chinese couple whose daughter fell from Lisbon tower block

chinaPortugal's judiciary has handed out harsh sentences in the past, but issuing the death penalty to two Chinese citizens, whose daughter died when they went out gambling in a Lisbon casino, was exceptional - and wrong.

The parents of the five-year-old Chinese girl, who died in February 2016 after falling from the 21st floor of a tower block in the Parque das Nações in Lisbon, were back in China when they received notification of the death penalty which, as they had not realised this was a translation error, caused them to suffer stress and no small degree of despair.

Albufeira - drunken violence settles into an 'almost nightly' routine

albufeiraCrowdAn almost nightly ritual of punch-ups in Albufeira’s Oura district continue with two tourists injured in the early hours of Tuesday.

One of those involved, a 17-year-old Norwegian youth, suffered minor injuries and was transported by firefighters to Faro hospital.

Foreign influx vital to Portuguese economy

frenchpassportWith locals leaving the country to find work in more developed economies, the number of foreigners choosing to live in Portugal jumped to nearly 400,000 by the end of 2016, with 83% working and much of the remainer, retired.

The number of non-Portuguese living in the country increased by 2.3% in 2016, reversing a downward trend that had been worrying government since 2010.

Faro bike festival ends but questions remain

bikersThe 36th annual Faro motorbike festival is over and a more normal, bumper-to-bumper, pace returns to the region’s roads.

The organiser and president of the Moto Clube de Faro, José Amaro, said there were no accidents that he was aware of, that 25,000 people attended the festival, everything went well and that the authorities were happy with behaviour.