"Portugal's economy is trustworthy" says European Commissioner Pierre Moscovici

moscoviciThe European Commissioner for Economic Affairs has now decided that Portugal is a huge economic success story and needs to be held up as an example to others.

Pierre Moscovici now predicts that Portugal’s deficit will be 1.8% this year and that economic growth "will probably be above 2.5%" as he completed a one day visit to Lisbon to meet politicians and say encouraging things to the press.

Lisbon's second airport - decision should have been taken years ago

airplaneAfter years of dithering while passenger number grew, the Minister of Planning and Infrastructure now admits that a new airport for Lisbon has become an "emergency" for the country.

Pedro Marquês says that the military air base at Montijo is the best location to act as a overflow to take the pressure of Humberto Delgado airport in the capital.

European Commission takes legal action against Portugal over LuxLeaks information exchange

parliamentThe European Commission has started legal action against Portugal for its failure to take on board key European Union legislation on the exchange of information concering tax deals granted to multinationals operating in Europe.

After the LuxLeaks* scandal in 2014, the Commissions set in motion laws that needed to be adopted by each European member country by the end of 2016. Portugal, Cyprus and Bulgaria failed to hit the deadline.

Monchique mayor determines to buy landmark convent of Nossa Senhora do Desterro

monchiquemayorMonchique's mayor is determined to purchase the town's iconic convent and convert it into a hotel or hostel.

Convento de Nossa Senhora do Desterro is one of Monchique’s ‘must see’ buildings and still attracts tourists, despite its parlous state of repair.

Faro airport inaugurated - rail link decision 'coming soon'

FaroAirportFrontFaro Airport’s new terminal building was inaugurated today by the Prime Minster, António Costa, as the €33 million refit is close to completion.

As expected, the ceremony also was attended by the Minister for Infrastructure, Pedro Marques, who said he expected "a 50% increase in passenger number in the next in five to six years" which he guessed would equate to €600,000 in additional export earnings.

Top economist to sue Portuguese State over 'grossly incompetent investigation'

harvardBoonePeter Boone, the economist accused of profiting from a sharp rise in bond interest rates after writing a corrusticating 2010 blog in the New York Times, is to sue the Portuguese State for "trying to silence its critics."

"Dr. Boone is now preparing to sue the Portuguese State for a grossly incompetent and negligent investigation conducted by the Securities Market Commission (CMVM) and the Public Prosecutor's Office," reads part of a statement from Boone’s legal team.

Only 13,462 foreign EU residents are registered to vote on October 1st

farocamaraFor the October 1st municipal elections, there are 9,396,680 registered Portuguese voters, fewer than in the September 2013 elections when over 9.5 million could vote.

The lower overall figure is due mainly to the hundreds of thousands of Portuguese citizens having left the country during the years of recession, most of whom have not come back.


PM scraps Alojamento Local 'let the neighbours decide' amendment

alThe government’s poorly thought-out draft law to give neighbours the power to block Alojamento Local applications has died a premature death, even before going to parliament for discussion.

The prime minister has intervened to stop this controversial proposal from his own party that gave neighbours the power to authorise or to prohibit the rental of properties to tourists.(click here)