More arrests and drugs seized off the Algarve coast

MORE ARRESTS AND DRUGS SEIZED OFF THE ALGARVE COASTYesterday morning, the National Maritime Authority, the Portuguese Navy and the Portuguese Air Force once again carried out a joint operation in international waters, off the southern coast of mainland Portugal, which resulted in the arrest of three men on strong suspicion of committing drug trafficking.

Crawler machine overturns, seriously injuring the driver

CRAWLER MACHINE OVERTURNS, SERIOUSLY INJURING THE DRIVERA 37 year old man was seriously injured yesterday in an accident at work, following the overturning of the crawler machine he was driving.

Three Algarve establishments closed down for illegal weapon and poor hygiene

THREE ALGARVE ESTABLISHMENTS CLOSED DOWN FOR ILLEGAL WEAPON AND POOR HYGIENEThe Food and Economic Security Authority (ASAE) has shut down two restaurants and a nightclub in the Algarve, due to lack of “technical, functional and hygiene requirements”.

Algarve under heavy rain warning today and Wednesday

ALGARVE UNDER HEAVY RAIN WARNING TODAY AND WEDNESDAYThe Algarve and Beja regions are under a yellow warning due to the forecast of sometimes heavy showers, today and Wednesday.

Maritime Police injured after yet another drug trafficking incident

Image is a library image, not of actual incidentTwo members of the Maritime Police were injured after the vessel on which they were travelling was violently by another vessel, off the Algarve coast, in what now seems to be a regular occcurence of drug trafficking.

Castro Marim: 43 year old man dies in a motorcycle crash

CASTRO MARIM: 43 YEAR -OLD MAN DIES IN A MOTORCYCLE CRASHThe driver of a motorcycle died early this Sunday, on the A22, in the Altura area of Castro Marim, following an accident at around 4.30am.

Man arrested is suspected of killing Sandra Andrade and Josiele Rodrigues

Man arrested is suspected of killing Sandra Andrade and Josiele RodriguesA 26 year old man arrested on suspicion of drug trafficking, is also thought to be the murderer of two Algarve women, Sandra Andrade and Josiele Rodrigues.

Marines seize 8600 kilos of hashish off the Algarve coast

MARINES SEIZE 8600 KILOS OF HASHISH OFF THE ALGARVE COASTMaritime authorities intercepted two high-speed vessels in international waters south of the Algarve coast, suspected of carrying a narcotic products.