
Public meeting set for Silves Cork Museum debate

corkmuseumSilves council is to hold an all day public meeting (times below) to discuss the future of the Cork Museum and Fábrica do Inglês with councillors keen to find a solution to the site that has lain derelict and vandalised for over six years.

The session will be held on the 20th of February at the Teatro Mascarenhas Gregório in Silves.

The initiative comes from the Portuguese Association of Industrial Archaeology and the Portuguese Association of Museums, with the support of the Silves council.

Impact of Brexit on 2 Million Expat Brits & Other Major Issues

Impact of Brexit on 2 Million Expat Brits & Other Major IssuesFast forward to 22.50 minutes the BBC Radio 4 podcast below and listen to Jean-Claude Perez, who served for 23 years as Head of Legal Services to the EU Council of Ministers, talking about the implications of a Brexit for the 2 million British citizens currently benefiting from being EU citizens when studying, working or living in other EU member states.

Other interviews in this podcast also cover the other major issues involved in a Brexit for the UK as a whole.

EU referendum: expats fear time is running out to get voting rights restored before poll

4801The Telegraph reports that Britons in Europe are worried that the in/out vote will take place before they become eligible to participate as the Government drags its feet on the issue

Campaigners have responded with concern to a statement which reiterated a government pledge to restore voting rights for all British expats – without indicating whether this will happen in time for the EU referendum.

UK referendum - the BBC wants expat views

4801British Prime Minister David Cameron is to hold a referendum on the UK's membership of the European Union.

Cameron has said he is determined to deliver reform of the EU for the British people so they get a proper choice in a referendum on whether to stay in, or leave the union.

Portugal's political crisis - as viewed from California

lisbon2The recent Portuguese election on October 4th was "inconclusive". The center-right scored the most votes but could not muster a coalition majority.

A coalition of leftist parties could form a government, but the president of Portugal (a largely symbolic position except in cases like these) refused to appoint a leftist prime minister on the grounds that they represent anti-European forces. Instead the president allowed the pro-EU Prime Minister to stay in place.

'Fed up with politics - distrustful of politicians of all parties'

antoniocosta3Amid the mass of coverage in the media here and abroad, about the only thing clear at the moment is that the interests of the majority of voters in this month’s general election are not being best served with the prospect of either a minority centre-right government or a left-wing alliance of unlikely bedfellows.

Things may become clearer – or even more confused – when the incumbent minority seeks a vote of confidence in parliament in the next few days.

The European Union Referendum and YOU

Harry ShindlerThe Committee stage debate in the House of Lords begins on October 28th. Harry Shindler writes urging every British Citizen to lobby MPs and members of the House of Lords.

Socialist leader needs 'a Martian invasion' before supporting coalition

martianOh for some help from outer space! More than two weeks after the general election, Portugal will still be in the awkward position of not knowing who is to form the next government.

How much easier it would have been if a group of extraterrestrials had landed last week. They would have provided a handy solution to the conundrum created by voters on 4th October.