Fundraising 'Romantic Dinner' Raises €600

Rotary clubRC Estoi Palace Interational held its 2nd annual “Romantic Dinner” on 16th February at Comporta Eventos, at Lamaceiro, Pechao.

Over 50 people attended this fundraising event in aid of APPC ( Algarve Cerebral Palsy Association). 600 euros was raised which go towards funding equipment required by the Association.

We'll get by with a little help from our friends

APAADo you have any free time to spare? Would you like to be able to help APAA?

From time to time, we could all use a little help, and the team at APAA are no different. We appreciate that people don’t always want to commit themselves to something on a regular basis, but would be more than happy to help out occasionally. We are therefore looking for volunteers for the following tasks:

StreetLife needs StreetBuddies...

StreetLife needs StreetBuddies...StreetLife is a non-profit organisation set up in September 2017, to support local pet owners in the East Algarve with insufficient funds to sterilise their dogs. StreetLife wants to reduce the number of stray and abandoned dogs in the East Algarve through a programme of sterilisations.

Goldra Now - Jan 2019

Goldra In this first newsletter of 2019, some news about the result of our latest auction, details of the first lunch of the year - a new venue - and the latest from Goldra. And hidden in here is the astonishing total raised from all our events and programmes during 2018.

Vilamoura International School donates €7000 to charity

Vilamoura International School donates €7000 to charityVilamoura International School (CIV) donated €7000 to various charity organisations, at the annual Christmas Concert that took place in Casino de Vilamoura last December. This value was raised by the school community, through the various stalls at the Christmas Fair.

Charity Festive Swims 2018/19

Charity Festive Swims 2018/19The annual charity event to swim or paddle in the Atlantic Ocean has, this year, so far, raised over 1600 Euros for children in care. A big thank you and congratulations to everyone who took part, to BlueXperience for participating on paddles on Christmas Day, the teams of Volunteers collecting donations, those who watched, the media for the publicity, Diogo Correia and Alberto Cortez for their superb photografic coverage of the events and to everyone who donated so generously.

Castelo de Sonhos Kids Christmas Party Success

Castelo de Sonhos Kids Christmas Party SuccessCastelo de Sonhos (CdeS) the Silves based family charity would like to thank everyone who helped make their annual kids Christmas Party such a success.

The Silves Town Hall & local Council office supplied the FISSUL exhibition space for the party plus two enormous bouncy castles, the face painting materials and a popcorn cart, they also designed & printed the poster and purchased soft drinks and party food.

Blue skies and warm sea for the charity Santa Swim 2018

Blue skies and warm sea for the charity Santa Swim 2018Thank you and congratulations to all those who participated in the Traditional Charity Santa Swim on Christmas Day in Armação de Pêra.

The weather was warm with blue skies and sea was fairly calm, (unfortunately the low tide meant it was a little rocky) with a temperature of about 21ºC.