New Committee members at ACCA

ACCAAt the recent AGM of the charity that looks after children in need in the Algarve, two new members joined the existing team.

Professor Maria Eduarda Santos, special needs teacher and founder of NECI (the educational nucleus for the handicapped child) in the western Algarve, and Jacqui Vehlow, owner of the Estetica group, will add value to the committee’s work, thanks to their interest, enthusiasm, commitment and of course, invaluable contacts.

The two newcomers will work alongside Wanda Crawford, Gwenda Daud, Jenny Harrison, Sharon Henderson, Susi Rogol Goodkind, Rita Davies, Max Binns, and Naz Karim. Professor Santos, now retired from NECI administration, was recently awarded the Municipal Medal for Public Dedication in a heart-warming ceremony in Lagos.

A Rare Opportunity to Support Those with Rare Diseases

A Rare Opportunity to Support Those with Rare DiseasesDid you know that approximate 7% of Portugal’s population will be diagnosed with a ‘rare’ disease? Rare diseases are those that occur in 1 person of every 2.000, or less. While each disease is rare, there are 5.000-7.000 of them, each with its own symptoms, diagnostic requirements, support needs and rehabilitation processes.

Raríssimas (The National Association of Mental and Rare Diseases) was chartered in 2002 by a group of concerned parents and has become an association with high national and international recognition for its work supporting people with rare diseases and their frequently overworked, overextended families.

AIRC support Surfing Scheme for Autistic children

AIRC support Surfing Scheme for Autistic childrenWhen members of Almancil International Rotary Club (AIRC) heard that staff at Escola EB2,3 Dr. António de Sousa Agostinho in Almancil wanted to set up a surfing scheme for the benefit of students with autism, and that special equipment was needed, they wanted to do something to help.

Surfing can improve fitness; balance and confidence and surfing camps for children with autism have already been set up in a number of countries including Australia, Ireland and Scotland, where the scheme has the blessing of the National Autistic Society. This will be the first of its kind in Portugal.

Would €10 a month change YOUR life?

Would €10 a month change YOUR life?Almost certainly not, but it can make the world of difference to the work of ACCA. Now in its 13th year looking after children in need in the Algarve, the charity continues to seek out members who will support its many activities.

Knowing you can help improve the lives of children in need is hugely rewarding and often it takes no more than small change to make a big difference. By becoming a member of ACCA, your monthly €10 contribution (€120 pa) will add to the charity’s funds which are used to buy specific equipment for disabled youngsters, supply psychological and physical therapies for those with special needs, even nappies and milk for babies from families well below the poverty line. ACCA also pledges to help children who are on the street; even here in the Algarve, there are areas where the standard of housing is frighteningly low and there are children living without water.

West Coast Fun Dog Day - April 17th

West Coast Fun Dog Day - April 17thOn Sunday 17th April 2016 there will be a West Coast Fun Dog Day in Vales, in aid of AEZA, the shelter for dogs and cats.

The fun begins at 10.30am, and includes a Dog Show and Parade, Dog Agility Demonstration, stalls with pet products, homemade produce, second-hand clothes and bric-a-brac, and of course there will be food and drink available throughout the day.

Exciting times ahead for Madrugada

Exciting times ahead for MadrugadaMadrugada's Retail Manager, Judith, joined Madrugada in June 2015. " I have to admit that I didn’t fully realise what was coming my way! With an extensive background in retail operations and multi site management I imagined that taking ownership of three charity shops; two in the beautiful sleepy town of Praia da Luz and one in the more upbeat town of Almancil, would be a ‘walk in the park’ ….Hmmm think again Judith!"

"I have been constantly amazed and humbled by the generosity of people who donate items to Madrugada charity shops. I am equally amazed and overwhelmingly grateful to the volunteers who give their precious time to help Madrugada help others. The last six months have been a learning curve and not without challenges, but with wonderful support the shops saw a successful end to 2015."

Access for All

Access for AllRotary Club Estoi Palace has been providing support to Estoi’s Casa do Povo, in a number of different ways, for a number of years. 

In its most recent contribution, the Club has organised a metal wheelchair ramp for the entrance of the building so that disabled patrons can more easily access the facilities. The ramp itself was manufactured and installed by Metalgarve, a local metal working firm based in Bordeira.

APAA News Update

APAANews of recent fundraising events and projects, and dates for your diary for all 2016 events.

CLICK HERE to read all of the APAA News.