"Mundus Vini 2013" wine competition in Germany

Mundus Vini 20133 Wines - 3 Awards. Quinta dos Vales' wines have achieved much recognition throughout the globe, and reaching as far as China in its few years of existence. Recognition in the German market has, however, remained elusive for several years. Germany, along with Switzerland, is of great importance as the only European market which focuses mostly on higher quality wines.

Institutional recognition for Quinta dos Vales

You are here: Home  Features  Wines Institutional recognition for Quinta dos ValesHighlights for Quinta dos Vales were non-stop last week. As well as the Marquês dos Vales wines being awarded with two medals in the 6th competition of 'The Best Wine of the Algarve' held at the Fatacil in Lagoa, the company was also honoured by the Direção Regional de Agricultura e Pescas do Algarve for its contribution towards the production and appreciation of quality Algarve produce.

The Best Wine of the Algarve 2013

Quinta dos Vales - Grace Vineyard white and Grace ViognierMarquês dos Vales wines have again achieved success in the 6th competition of "The Best Wine of the Algarve" held on the 17th August at Fatacil in Lagoa.

An organic lesson

An organic lessonA trip around the local Safeway supermarket sometimes leaves me amused and sometimes sad. It’s not downright fraud that they are perpetrating but ladies and gentlemen it is very close. Yes very close.

Now every US shopper has a loyalty club card to get the best prices. On most days these club prices can be further reduced, by picking up cereals, jams, bread etc carrying a “special price offer label”. 

The Amazing Banana!

The Amazing Banana!Actually, bananas are the only food you can eat with dirty hands. You never need to actually touch the banana itself - only the skin. A professor at CCNY, for his physiological psych class, told them about bananas. He said that the expression "going bananas" comes from the effect that a banana has on the brain.......read on…

Never, put your banana in the refrigerator!!! After reading this, you'll never look at a banana in the same way again.

Time for Portuguese Orange Wine?

Nick Downs's Orange WineSometimes it takes an old head to come up with a new idea. Nick Downs is 79, but he has a plan that could take Silves’ oranges and make them nationally, if not internationally famous. It is an idea that would boost local employment, as well as regional tourism, when both are flagging, and, even better, it should leave everyone (or certainly nearly everyone) with a smile on their faces!